Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] Re: Side chain assignment of small peptide.
From: Woonghee Lee
Date: Jan 17, 2018

Previous: 1310 Next: 1312

Dear Sohee,

First of all, I am not Yoonghee but Woonghee. I assume you know incorrectly considering you did three times. Anyways, you have to put experiments to apply results right above.  Second message is not actually an error but a notification mssage. You can go Sparky/PINE directory and uncompress by yourself. I just checked your job id and it seems I cannot see correct diagonal peaks having same chemical shifts for each of protom dimension in the HCCH-TOCSY.  I recommend checking it and resubmit.


On Jan 17, 2018 7:54 PM, lavender1326@... [nmr_sparky] wrote:

Dear Yoonghee, 

I tried ep to import pine jobs. I entered key and clicked check. But there was error message.
 I attached  two images about error message.

 First   : check pine directory.. Is there specific pine directory?

Second  : peaks were not labeled with pine results. 

Thanks for your kind advice every time. 
