Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] Re: Side chain assignment of small peptide.
From: Woonghee Lee
Date: Jan 16, 2018

Previous: 1306 Next: 1308

Please use ep to import pine results back into your project.
At the bottom, you may put your job id and click Check button beside. While you have experiments in the list above, you will be asked if pine labels to be attached and assigned based on probabilities. It is better to do this way than rp because you can validate probabilistic results with other extensions (ab, pp, pr). 


On Jan 17, 2018 12:26 AM, lavender1326@... [nmr_sparky] wrote:

 Dear Yoonghee,

I  am attaching sparkyresonance list file of 22a.a peptide.

 It looks like that assignment is not completely done compared to  sparkyresonance.list

And also, as you mentioned, I confirmed spectra alignmnent. and CCH-TOCSY and C-HSQC is well overlapped and (h)CCH-TOCSY and COSY is well overlapped

And I have another problem, After I get pine results, there is problem with converting pine to sparky. 
I attached error screen image. So I couldnt  use PINE-SPARKY extensions (ab, pp, pr, se). I just used rp and labeled the peaks with pine result list file of each spectrum. I am using window version. Is there problem in using pine2sparky in Window?
