Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] Re: remove the autopicking noise peaks
From: zhuwenkai93
Date: Jul 29, 2016

Previous: 1148 Next: 1150

1.Thank you very much, i modified the residue count(100,it consists of 160 residues) and adjust the contour level separately, the number of the

peaks decrease. More important, i didnt notice the selected probable noise before, thanks for your advice!

2. I just did as you say, and i have successfully assigned a 12-residue peptide, but the process is very exhausted because of the pro.

It is very kind of you to give me the detail, i am a beginner of the nmrfam-sparky, and i found it very powerful!

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Hi Wen-Kai,

1. Did you change the residue count in the apes window? I think default is 100. That will determine expected peak count. However, you can also try adjusting contour level. Just delete all the peaks (pa - Del) and try again. And, you may want to delete selected peaks after apes as they are notified as probable noise. So, be careful not to lose selection right after apes run.

2. How many peaks do you have? If you dont have so many peaks, you can arbitrarily assign a few peaks and use guesses intensively. I did not develop any tool for 2D NOESY but I will keep that in mind there is a request.
