Subject: Re: Side chain assignment and CHSQC assignment
From: woonghee_lee
Date: Feb 22, 2016

Previous: 1085 Next: 1087

Hi Kiran,

That is natural that the peaks are located in the place where you dont see signals.
Because as you can see, two dimensions are simulated and only one dimension is transferred from current assignment status (_s means the chemical shift is simulated).

Otherwise, when you are doing ta for C(CO)NH and H(CCO)NH, you may already have 15N and 1HN chemical shifts, so only one indirect dimension remains to be simulated while other two (15N and 1HN) are transfered. Then, you see the simulated peaks on the strip where you see the signals at least and you only need to move a bit.

Giving my two cents, I would suggest not using ta tool for all residues particularly for HCCH-TOCSY. Try to stick with C(CO)NH and H(CCO)NH with ta tool and if you have no clue for some atoms, then do it for HCCH-TOCSY with Apply to only selected (N,C)-HSQC peaks turned on while selecting a corresponding C-HSQC peak.
