(; GM[1] FF[4] SZ[9] HA[0] ST[1] PB[5-brain (ManyFaces/GoAhead/Althoefer/Woitke/Rolle)] PW[Guido Tautorat] DT[2000-07-12] PC[Jena, Landgrafenstieg] KM[-8.0] RU[Japanese] RE[B+6] WR[4 dan] C[This is the second game of a ``3-brain'' match: White: Guido Tautorat (4d) versus Black: 5-brain { ManyFaces 11 beta / GoAhead / Woitke-6k / Althoefer-17k / Rolle-2d } The rules are as follows: The human black players choose among two move candidates provided by the computer programs ManyFaces and GoAhead. If both programs agree, they have no choice at all. This idea was developed by Prof. Ingo Althoefer (operating ManyFaces in this game). A komi of -8 points was used, i.e. black had the first move and 8 extra points. This time, mainly me (Peter Woitke-6k) and Ingo Althoefer-17k decided upon the moves, sometimes assisted by Rolle-2d. ``M'' denotes ManyFaces move ``G'' denotes GoAhead's move ``B'' means both programs agree ] ;B[ee];W[cf] C[GA: e7 MF: e3 ]LB[eg:M][ec:G] ;B[eg];W[gd] C[GA: f7 MF: g4 ]LB[gf:M][fc:G] ;B[fc];W[gc] C[MF: g4 GA: c6 ]LB[gf:M][cd:G] ;B[cd];W[dh] C[MF: b5 GA: f6 ]LB[fd:G][be:M] ;B[be];W[eh] C[MF: g4 GA: f6 ]LB[gf:M][fd:G] ;B[fd];W[ff] C[MF: g5 GA: f3 ]LB[fg:G][ge:M] ;B[ge];W[he] C[MF: e4 GA: f3 ]LB[ef:M][fg:G] ;B[fg];W[gf] C[MF: e4 GA: e4 ]LB[ef:B] ;B[ef];W[gh] C[MF: g3 GA: g8 ]LB[gg:M][gb:G] ;B[gg];W[hg] C[MF: f2 GA: g8 ]LB[gb:G][fh:M] ;B[fh];W[bf] C[MF: e1 GA: h2 ]LB[ei:M][hh:G] ;B[ei];W[dg] C[MF: d1 GA: h2 ]LB[di:M][hh:G] ;B[di];W[ci] C[MF: a4 GA: f1 ]LB[fi:G][af:M] ;B[fi];W[bh] C[MF: g8 GA: g8 ]LB[gb:B] ;B[gb];W[hb] C[GA: f8 MF: f8 ]LB[fb:B] ;B[fb];W[fe] C[White prepares an invasion of the upper left ... MF: h9 GA: h2 ]LB[ha:G][hh:M] ;B[ha] C[Guido thought a while before playing at a. After the game, he tried the invasion at b (see variation) ]LB[bc:b][dd:a] (;W[dd] C[MF: h7 GA: d7 ]LB[ib:][hc:M][dc:G] ;B[dc];W[de] C[MF: c8 GA: e6 ]LB[cb:M][ed:G] ;B[ed];W[ae] C[MF: b7 GA: a6 ]LB[bc:M][ad:G] ;B[bc];W[ac] C[MF: a8 GA: a8 ]LB[ab:B] ;B[ab];W[ad] C[MF: b8 GA: b8 ]LB[bb:B] ;B[bb];W[ib] C[MF: b6 GA: h2 ]LB[bd:M][hh:G] ;B[hh];W[ih] C[MF: g1 GA: g1 ]LB[gi:B] ;B[gi];W[df] C[MF: a3 GA: c5 ]LB[ce:G][ag:M] ;B[ce];W[af] C[MF: h7 GA: b6 ]LB[hc:M][bd:G] ;B[bd];W[hc] C[MF: h4 GA: PASS ]LB[hf:M] ;B[tt];W[ig] C[MF: h1 GA: PASS ]LB[hi:M] ;B[hi];W[ia] C[MF: g9 GA: g9 ]LB[ga:B] ;B[ga];W[ii] C[MF: PASS GA: PASS ];B[tt];W[tt] C[The game is over. Final score: White = 14 territory + 1 captures - 8 komi = 7 Black = 12 territory + 1 captures = 13 Black wins by 6. chosen from GoAhead: 19 out of 28 moves = 68% chosen from HandTalk: 16 out of 28 moves = 57% ]) (;W[ib];B[hh];W[ih];B[gi];W[bc] C[both programs carefully blocked at c7 ... ]LB[cc:B] ;B[cc];W[bd];B[ce];W[ae] ;B[bb];W[ab];B[ba];W[cb];B[db];W[df];B[de];W[af];B[ca];W[ad] ;B[aa];W[ac];B[hi];W[ig];B[ga];W[hc];B[ii];W[ia] C[Black wins by 5 points. ]))