(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by No Name Go Server] CoPyright[ This game was played on the No Name Go Server Permission to reproduce this game is given.] GN[BadukI-wnewman(B) NNGS] EV[None] RE[W+Resign] PW[BadukI]WR[30k ] PB[wnewman]BR[3k*] PC[NNGS Worldwide: nngs.cosmic.org 9696] DT[1999-07-23] SZ[19]TM[780]KM[0.5] ;B[qc];W[cp]C[ BadukI 30k : Hi. (2) wnewman 3k*: Hi. ] ;B[ed];W[pp];B[np];W[pd];B[op];W[pc];B[qd];W[qe];B[qb];W[rd];B[pb];W[cc] ;B[dc];W[cd];B[cb];W[bb];B[cf];W[db];B[de];W[eb];B[qj];W[qh]C[ BadukI 30k : Can I ask something about your program? (24) wnewman 3k*: Sure. ] ;B[qi]C[ ug started observation. ] ;W[ri]C[ BadukI 30k : When did you begin your program? (26) wnewman 3k*: I began this one about two years ago. (But before that I'd written others.) ] ;B[rf];W[re]C[ BadukI 30k : I begin it last year. (28) wnewman 3k*: I haven't worked on it for almost a year, though, so it has only about a year of work in it. ] ;B[qf];W[pf];B[pg];W[iq];B[ng]C[ BadukI 30k : Which O/S and System? (33) ] ;W[lq]C[ BadukI 30k : I'm using Linux on PII 333. (34) wnewman 3k*: Linux, on a 133 MHz Pentium. But yesterday I received a new 500 MHz system for work, so by next week it should be faster.. ] ;B[ip];W[in]C[ wnewman 3k*: The current program is only part of what I was working on last year -- it's just the evaluation function. ] ;B[io];W[ck]C[ wnewman 3k*: A lot of what I was working on were tactics and stuff, but they're still too unreliable to be useful. ] ;B[eq];W[ch]C[ wnewman 3k*: So the current plodder just tries to make the move which maximizes its evaluation function. ] ;B[dq];W[be]C[ wnewman 3k*: Just 1-ply search -- except it's too slow to search an entire ply.:-( ] ;B[hd];W[bf];B[ce];W[jp];B[jo];W[sk];B[cg];W[bg];B[gb];W[nr];B[nq]C[ BadukI 30k : My Program is under GPL. Did you get it? (53) ] ;W[mq];B[kq];W[jq]C[ ug started observation. wnewman 3k*: No, although now that you tell me, I'll probably look at it after the game. wnewman 3k*: My program is not free, but for the last year I've been working mostly on another free program, CMU Common Lisp. ] ;B[hq];W[kp]C[ BadukI 30k : r u using lisp? (58) ] ;B[ko];W[lo]C[ wnewman 3k*: Yes, plodder is implemented using the CMUCL system. ] ;B[ir];W[kr];B[lr];W[oq];B[qo];W[sc];B[qp];W[pq]C[ wnewman 3k*: There's some extra stuff in Perl, too, like all the Go Modem Protocol code. ] ;B[or];W[pr]C[ BadukI 30k : in perl? (70) ] ;B[qq]C[ wnewman 3k*: The Lisp code just doesASCII output; any fancier I/O (Go modem or graphics) is done with wrapper programs. ] ;W[ms];B[bq];W[cq]C[ wnewman 3k*: The only wrapper program I still use much is a Go modem protocol wrapper written in Perl. BadukI 30k : I see (74) ] ;B[bp];W[bo]C[ wnewman 3k*: If my program would play R13, it might still be in the game. Otherwise, very bad.. ] ;B[co];W[do]C[ BadukI 30k : R13? (78) ] ;B[hs];W[cn];B[cm]C[ wnewman 3k*: On my display (CGoban) the squares are labelled. Playing on the square labelled R13 is a particularly important move. ] ;W[br];B[bm];W[dm];B[oo];W[dr];B[rb];W[po];B[pl];W[pn];B[qr];W[fs];B[qa] ;W[km];B[kn];W[ln];B[jn];W[kc]C[ BadukI 30k : R13 is also good move for White. (98) ] ;B[kd];W[ld];B[jm]C[ wnewman 3k*: Yes, it seems to be the biggest urgent move that the programs have been ignoring. ] ;W[hn];B[gn];W[jk];B[hp];W[hm];B[gm];W[hl];B[el];W[il];B[ek];W[qg]C[ BadukI 30k : :) (112) wnewman 3k*: It's not as big as it used to be now that white has moved at M16 and Q6. Before those moves, black R13 not only saved black but strongly attacked white. wnewman 3k*: :-| In any case, it's all immaterial now. ] ;B[lh];W[gi]C[ wnewman 3k*: I'll resign, since things are not only hopeless but clearly getting worse. wnewman 3k*: Maybe all these crushing defeats will help motivate me to start working on my program again.:-) BadukI 30k : well... (114) wnewman 3k*: Thanks for the game. I'll take a look at the baduki program later. ] ;)