(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by IGS] CoPyright[ Copyright (c) NKB, Inc. 1998 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice. ] GN[ex63-gottaGo(B) IGS]RE[W+5.5] PW[ex63]WR[NR ]NW[ 0] PB[gottaGo]BR[NR ]NB[ 0] PC[IGS: igs.joyjoy.net 6969]DT[1999-06-18] SZ[9]TM[1800]KM[0.500000]LT[] ;B[ee]BL[1787] ;W[gg]WL[1769]C[ ex63 NR : it's 0.5, isn't it? gottaGo NR : think so ] ;B[ff]BL[1712] ;W[gf]WL[1764]C[ gottaGo NR : that's novel ex63 NR : you can say that. ex63 NR : but is it good??? gottaGo NR : computers don't make mistakes :-) ex63 NR : maybe I've got the wrong model then... ] ;B[fb]BL[1595] ;W[cg]WL[1754] ;B[df]BL[1585] ;W[cf]WL[1748]C[ ex63 NR : predict d8 now gottaGo NR : fascinating ] ;B[be]BL[1504] ;W[eh]WL[1741] ;B[ge]BL[1492]C[ ex63 NR : hmm, you scared us here ] ;W[he]WL[1735]C[ gottaGo NR : one weird game so far -- sorry about no d8 :-) ex63 NR : still time for d8 now :) ] ;B[bc]BL[1422] ;W[ce]WL[1727]C[ gottaGo NR : no idea what gottaGo's thinking ex63 NR : W moves are more book-like gottaGo NR : its thinking hard though :-) ex63 NR : can you ask it what it's thinking? gottaGo NR : only post-mortem, really gottaGo NR : not easy even then :-) ex63 NR : is it ful board search? gottaGo NR : yep ex63 NR : and territory evaluation? ] ;B[cd]BL[1273] ;W[de]WL[1721] ;B[hg]BL[1261] ;W[hh]WL[1699] ;B[fg]BL[1254]C[ gottaGo NR : a flood fill thing -- somewhat complicated ] ;W[hf]WL[1668]C[ ex63 NR : that was a mean combination !!! gottaGo NR : I was too busy typing it in to really look at it :-) ] ;B[dg]BL[1167] ;W[fh]WL[1658] ;B[bh]BL[1153]C[ ex63 NR : hmm, things are looking bad ] ;W[ch]WL[1628] ;B[ag]BL[1089] ;W[gd]WL[1586]C[ ex63 NR : b2 saved me for now gottaGo NR : I dunno, not so bad now ex63 NR : if you cut at d2... ] ;B[fd]BL[1032] ;W[gc]WL[1557]C[ gottaGo NR : explorer still thinking? ex63 NR : your move gottaGo NR : yes gottaGo NR : working... :-) ex63 NR : explorer not thinking now :) ] ;B[ec]BL[844] ;W[gb]WL[1542]C[ gottaGo NR : gottaGo loves non-solid formations... ex63 NR : yes, looks more efficient, but... ] ;B[fe]BL[763] ;W[dd]WL[1535] ;B[db]BL[740]C[ gottaGo NR : d8 finally! gottaGo NR : :-) ] ;W[bf]WL[1512]C[ ex63 NR : yes, but nowe it was kind of unexpected ] ;B[af]BL[699] ;W[cc]WL[1480] ;B[bd]BL[665]C[ gottaGo NR : phwew ] ;W[eg]WL[1388]C[ ex63 NR : hmm, why not connect first? ] ;B[dc]BL[598] ;W[ef]WL[1367]C[ ex63 NR : yeah, d7 is bigger gottaGo NR : no more cut worries, at least ] ;B[ga]BL[564] ;W[hc]WL[1351]C[ ex63 NR : true ] ;B[ha]BL[529]C[ ex63 NR : h7 is too timid. no dangers here ] ;W[fc]WL[1299] ;B[ed]BL[507] ;W[eb]WL[1269]C[ ex63 NR : oh god. it's the tactics bug again... ] ;B[fa]BL[481] ;W[bi]WL[1229]C[ ex63 NR : big. gottaGo NR : gottaGo is good at messing up those loosely-connected edges ] ;B[ci]BL[408]C[ gottaGo NR : like so ] ;W[di]WL[1193]C[ ex63 NR : your f9 was wrong, now there is c8 and b8 aji ] ;B[id]BL[367]C[ gottaGo NR : yup ] ;W[ah]WL[1151] ;B[ai]BL[349]C[ ex63 NR : just the kind of unreasonable ko that ex loves ] ;W[bg]WL[1106] ;B[ci]BL[334]C[ gottaGo NR : d2 I hope ] ;W[dh]WL[1073]C[ ex63 NR : why do YOU hope d2? gottaGo NR : for the sake of computer go ingeneral ] ;B[ih]BL[294]C[ ex63 NR : i c. you're very nice :) ] ;W[bi]WL[1027] ;B[hi]BL[269] ;W[gh]WL[993]C[ ex63 NR : phew! ] ;B[ca]BL[212] ;W[bb]WL[974] ;B[cb]BL[189] ;W[ic]WL[960] ;B[ci]BL[177] ;W[ib]WL[932] ;B[ae]BL[163] ;W[hb]WL[908] ;B[tt]BL[136] ;W[bi]WL[894] ;B[hd]BL[114]C[ ex63 NR : I recently worked on the 'cleanup' code. let's prey... ] ;W[ie]WL[880]C[ ex63 NR : I mean pray :) ] ;B[ci]BL[100]C[ gottaGo NR : looks bug free ] ;W[ia]WL[870] ;B[ea]BL[87] ;W[bi]WL[866] ;B[id]BL[77] ;W[hd]WL[862] ;B[ci]BL[67]C[ ex63 NR : wow, ex is very fast now ] ;W[tt]WL[850]C[ ex63 NR : it's hard to do connecting moves such as a2 correctly gottaGo NR : is ex thinking? ex63 NR : ex passed ex63 NR : your move ] ;B[tt]BL[1096]C[ gottaGo NR : gg passes too ] ;W[tt]WL[850]C[ ex63 dead @ H3 ex63 dead @ J2 ex63 dead @ H1 ex63 dead @ B8 ex63 done ]; TW[df][dg][ei][fi][gi][hg][hi][id][if][ig][ih][ii] TB[aa][ab][ac][ad][ah][ba][bb][bi][cc][da][eb] )