(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by IGS] CoPyright[ Copyright (c) I.Net Technologies, Inc. 1995 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice. ] GN[gottaGo-plodder(B) IGS]RE[W+Resign] PW[gottaGo]WR[NR ]NW[ 0] PB[plodder]BR[NR ]NB[ 0] PC[IGS: igs.nuri.net 6969]DT[1998-08-24] SZ[19]TM[0]KM[5.500000]LT[] ;B[qq]BL[0] ;W[ee]WL[0] ;B[cc]BL[0] ;W[oo]WL[0] ;B[dd]BL[0] ;W[od]WL[0] ;B[nq]BL[0] ;W[dp]WL[0] ;B[qc]BL[0] ;W[qd]WL[0] ;B[pb]BL[0] ;W[db]WL[0] ;B[eh]BL[0] ;W[cj]WL[0] ;B[di]BL[0] ;W[ob]WL[0] ;B[nc]BL[0] ;W[mq]WL[0] ;B[np]BL[0] ;W[kq]WL[0] ;B[nd]BL[0] ;W[of]WL[0] ;B[qh]BL[0] ;W[qo]WL[0] ;B[po]BL[0]C[ plodder NR : At this point I don't need connections to feel a sense of triumph: I'm psyched that the program can just do Go modem protocol. gottaGo NR : Yes :-) better than me ] ;W[bc]WL[0] ;B[cb]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : have to be super careful typing these things in by hand plodder NR : Q5 is probably a free ponnuki for you -- that's high on the list of known problems. ] ;W[bd]WL[0]C[ plodder NR : Unfortunately the really proper fixes seem to be complicated. ] ;B[df]BL[0]C[ plodder NR : I am already resigned to playing part of the game out by hand, so don't sweat it too much. plodder NR : I only get partial credit for automatic play when I don't have takeback implemented. ] ;W[ge]WL[0] ;B[fe]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : your upper left corner is looking loosely connected plodder NR : It's annoying that plodder is over-eager to play into 1-space jumps, but it didn't play into p17. I'm not sure why. ] ;W[rr]WL[0] ;B[ph]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : gottaGo's motto is run away from a fight if possible :-) ] ;W[hk]WL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : now there's a forward-looking move :-) plodder NR : I dunno plodder's motto. Maybe think real hard and real slowly and then take one's best guess. Or "Go is hard." ] ;B[lr]BL[0] ;W[lq]WL[0]C[ plodder NR : Not on the star point? After S2 I thought maybe gottaGo had revived its love affair with the major diagonal. gottaGo NR : gottaGo's fickle ] ;B[mo]BL[0] ;W[qj]WL[0] ;B[ko]BL[0]C[ plodder NR : The current version of plodder loves the peeping sort of move at M2. Often it's consistent enough to continue at N2 if opponent doesn't play it. ] ;W[ln]WL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : speak of the devil... ] ;B[jn]BL[0] ;W[io]WL[0] ;B[in]BL[0] ;W[go]WL[0]C[ plodder NR : Janice Kim at the Go Congress talked about how cutting a 1-space jump is often a thank-you move. It looks as though plodder picked up that idea and ran with it in its own peculiar way. plodder NR : (looking at M5 and D15 and P17..) ] ;B[gn]BL[0]C[ plodder NR : Little laptops have big ears.:-| ] ;W[fn]WL[0] ;B[ep]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : yes, lot's of that going on this game for sure gottaGo NR : interesting running fight across the bottom of the board ] ;W[oh]WL[0]C[ plodder NR : Plodder likes contact plays in general. Should be interesting if I ever get tactics working. ] ;B[eq]BL[0]C[ plodder NR : It's sort of a silly fight when neither side plays M5. gottaGo NR : gottaGo hates contact fights (at least I hate it when gottaGo has them!) ] ;W[cq]WL[0] ;B[cr]BL[0] ;W[fp]WL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : begging for e5... ] ;B[fr]BL[0]C[ plodder NR : C2 looks like plodder has something interesting in mind, but in reality it's just hallucinating about the strength of single stones like C2. ] ;W[dr]WL[0]C[ plodder NR : E5 *would* be a good move around now, wouldn't it? ] ;B[ek]BL[0]C[ plodder NR : And D15, and P17, and P11.. ] ;W[ci]WL[0] ;B[dk]BL[0]C[ plodder NR : How strong a player are you personally? ] ;W[rh]WL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : stronger than gottaGo :-) ] ;B[ck]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : I actually don't play -- I'd be some embarassing number of kyu if I did plodder NR : I'm humble myself, but I wouldn't damn myself with such faint praise as to compare myself to plodder.:-) ] ;W[gs]WL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : ugh plodder NR : M2 and S2 are sort of interesting moves, but to play them and then tenuki is questionable.:-) ] ;B[pk]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : gottaGo believes s2 "denies eyespace" ] ;W[qk]WL[0]C[ plodder NR : Our programs should get together after the match and discuss their mass hallucinations about the strength of single stones. ] ;B[pj]BL[0] ;W[oj]WL[0] ;B[ol]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : gottaGo seems in love with the p line gottaGo NR : how dare you! ] ;W[nl]WL[0] ;B[qm]BL[0] ;W[om]WL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : Ah, back to the p line ... ] ;B[ri]BL[0] ;W[kc]WL[0]C[ plodder NR : I'd like plodder to get P17, then you can have most of the rest of the P line. ] ;B[mi]BL[0] ;W[lh]WL[0]C[ plodder NR : Nothing like watching one's computer program play to have it hammered home what it really means to leave a situation unsettled. ] ;B[li]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : Yes! this game need a maid... :-) ] ;W[jh]WL[0] ;B[ji]BL[0]C[ plodder NR : Maybe gottaGo will scare plodder into playing p17. I can hope.. ] ;W[ii]WL[0] ;B[ki]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : first 4-stone group! ] ;W[rb]WL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : if this doesn't prod out p17... ] ;B[qb]BL[0] ;W[rc]WL[0]C[ plodder NR : Plodder only has time to look at a few moves per turn, and it's not very smart about choosing which ones. So it might take a while for it to notice that P17 became important. ] ;B[rd]BL[0]C[ plodder NR : Ow. ] ;W[re]WL[0] ;B[id]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : s16 cancel's gottaGo's g1 :-) plodder NR : gottaGo finally takes its first free ponnuki from plodder. ] ;W[ic]WL[0]C[ plodder NR : plodder appreciates the stone on the first line. ] ;B[jc]BL[0] ;W[hc]WL[0] ;B[hd]BL[0] ;W[rg]WL[0] ;B[jd]BL[0]C[ plodder NR : Another 4-stone group. ] ;W[lb]WL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : yes, now looking for a 5-stoner plodder NR : I'm steeling myself for L18 instead. ] ;B[kb]BL[0]C[ plodder NR : :-( gottaGo NR : we all know our own program's foibles painfully well :-) ] ;W[jb]WL[0] ;B[sg]BL[0]C[ plodder NR : Your favor of G1 is returned. plodder NR : The interest will be paid later. ] ;W[ff]WL[0] ;B[lo]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : f14 not top of my priority list. *sigh* plodder NR : Well, if plodder had to give you a ponnuki, I'm glad that it chose M5 as its excuse. ] ;W[jo]WL[0] ;B[on]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : plodder does love them ponnuki ] ;W[nn]WL[0] ;B[lk]BL[0] ;W[mp]WL[0]C[ plodder NR : getting gnawed to pieces ] ;B[kr]BL[0] ;W[iq]WL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : k3? ;-) ] ;B[ip]BL[0] ;W[jp]WL[0] ;B[ho]BL[0] ;W[hp]WL[0] ;B[hq]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : maybe you should change "plodder" to "persistent" ] ;W[eg]WL[0]C[ plodder NR : or "donor" ] ;B[mr]BL[0] ;W[ns]WL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : another "1" ] ;B[rl]BL[0] ;W[rn]WL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : still a mess ] ;B[bo]BL[0] ;W[bp]WL[0] ;B[hr]BL[0]C[ plodder NR : Where is your cleaner at our time of great need? ] ;W[bk]WL[0] ;B[fi]BL[0]C[ plodder NR : By the way, my hat's off to you for your flawless data entry. gottaGo NR : yeah, got to get that protocol going! And wait until the end of game for the hat thing. :-) ] ;W[gi]WL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : gottaGo's h4-n4 group can still easily get encircled ] ;B[fh]BL[0] ;W[kh]WL[0]C[ plodder NR : Plodder would have to play H6 and then some good moves. I'd rather just see it play Q6. ] ;B[ih]BL[0] ;W[ij]WL[0]C[ plodder NR : Still too early to tell for computer go, but this looks like a huge blowout victory for white, since plodder still has no settled groups and gottaGo has all those ponnukis. ] ;B[ik]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : gottaGo is good at unsettling groups and not following up. We'll see. ] ;W[mj]WL[0] ;B[kk]BL[0] ;W[lj]WL[0] ;B[jk]BL[0] ;W[kj]WL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : k10 I presume? ] ;B[mk]BL[0]C[ plodder NR : plodder has its own ideas about how to play go. plodder NR : The bamboo joints looked nice though, didn't they? gottaGo NR : very ] ;W[nk]WL[0] ;B[kg]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : 5 stones! ] ;W[jj]WL[0]C[ plodder NR : I'm not sure why it doesn't like K10. I'm not following its analysis on the fly; I'll just look at the log file afterward. Then plodder and I will have a little discussion. plodder NR : And gottaGo hits the six-stone mark at a full gallop. ] ;B[lg]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : yes, something about ponnuki I imagine. 6 stone group. ] ;W[mh]WL[0] ;B[fl]BL[0] ;W[hm]WL[0] ;B[gl]BL[0] ;W[hl]WL[0] ;B[pp]BL[0] ;W[qp]WL[0] ;B[pn]BL[0] ;W[pm]WL[0] ;B[pl]BL[0] ;W[nm]WL[0] ;B[qe]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : I was thinking plodder would go for o5 ] ;W[sd]WL[0] ;B[sb]BL[0]C[ plodder NR : It has a lot on its mind.:-) At this stage of the game it can think about very few moves and can make very strange choices for that reason. ] ;W[qr]WL[0] ;B[pr]BL[0] ;W[oq]WL[0] ;B[rp]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : doesn't anyone believe in defense any more? :-) ] ;W[rq]WL[0] ;B[hj]BL[0]C[ plodder NR : After I found that not only did no one like my old name ("crithith") but no one could pronounce it, I decided to choose a new one. "Blind Fury" after Rich Cook's books was on the short list. plodder NR : "Defense? What's that?" ] ;W[gj]WL[0]C[ plodder NR : We're moving into a solid blowout even more quickly than I anticipated. ] ;B[bi]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : still plenty of good moves on the board for plodder (or gottaGo) to find ] ;W[bj]WL[0] ;B[ac]BL[0]C[ plodder NR : Unless your program has an important class of bugs we haven't seen yet, prospects look pretty dim. gottaGo NR : you mean -- endgame bugs? ] ;W[fj]WL[0]C[ plodder NR : Something would have to happen before we get to the endgame. ] ;B[ab]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : plodder seems to be trying to rip a page from gottaGo's book a creeping along the first line. ] ;W[cm]WL[0]C[ plodder NR : Speaking of endgame bugs, that's how I won the "let' plodder NR : s continue and see what happens" game against TeamGo at the Congress after the forfeit. ] ;B[cp]BL[0]C[ plodder NR : Plodder crawl , teamGo tenuki, plodder crawl, teamGo tenuki.. ] ;W[lm]WL[0]C[ plodder NR : But that wouldn't be enough here -- endgame bugs don't help when all your groups die in the middle game. ] ;B[gk]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : well, I hate to fess up, but gottaGo will frequently not make crucial connections plodder NR : Yes (e.g. P17) but the error rate from plodder approaches an order of magnitude higher. ] ;W[fq]WL[0] ;B[gm]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : for instance, I have no confidence that gottaGo will successfully clear up the lower corners plodder NR : The right corner I could believe; if plodder stumbles into Q3, it could then play S5 and cause some problems.. ] ;W[fk]WL[0]C[ plodder NR : ..but the left corner looks pretty impregnable, unless gottaGo has some special problems with that kind of shape. ] ;B[el]BL[0] ;W[em]WL[0] ;B[dm]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : actually it's not connections, it's finishing cuts -- miscounting liberties until too late ] ;W[dl]WL[0] ;B[km]BL[0] ;W[im]WL[0] ;B[pq]BL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : there's q3 -- what will gottaGo do... ] ;W[ps]WL[0]C[ gottaGo NR : novel... plodder NR : de gustibus et de coloribus et de computer go.. ] ;B[bq]BL[0] ;W[co]WL[0] ;B[sn]BL[0]C[ plodder NR : So much for nice fantasies about finding S5. ] ;W[so]WL[0] ;B[sm]BL[0] ;W[or]WL[0]C[ plodder NR : OK, I'm going to resign and think about strengthening my program for a later challenge. You can think about implementing Go modem protocol so it's less work to defend your position.:-) ]; )