(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by IGS] CoPyright[ Copyright (c) I.Net Technologies, Inc. 1995 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice. ] GN[NeuroGo-gogol(B) IGS]RE[W+3.5] PW[NeuroGo]WR[NR ]NW[ 0] PB[gogol]BR[NR ]NB[ 0] PC[IGS: igs.nuri.net 6969]DT[1997-10-15] SZ[9]TM[3600]KM[5.500000]LT[] ;B[cc]BL[3594] ;W[gg]WL[3549] ;B[gc]BL[3582]C[ NeuroGo NR : Does Gogol think longer this time? ] ;W[cg]WL[3491]C[ gogol NR : no ] ;B[be]BL[3566] ;W[hd]WL[3437]C[ gogol NR : I recognize NeuroGo style ] ;B[hc]BL[3548]C[ NeuroGo NR : I played a test game with the version of gogol you gave to me. gogol NR : and Gogol's one too gogol NR : the version I gave you in September 1996 ? NeuroGo NR : Yes. gogol NR : it is weaker than this one gogol NR : what was the result ? NeuroGo NR : It was similiar to the last game. NeuroGo NR : NeuroGo built a 1 eye group, Gogol failed to kill it. NeuroGo won. ] ;W[eg]WL[3358]C[ gogol NR : do you suggest improving life and death ? ] ;B[eb]BL[3524]C[ NeuroGo NR : Yes, but NeuroGo would need it too. gogol NR : it was the main improvement since last year gogol NR : but not enough improvement :( NeuroGo NR : Does it do search or static analysis? ] ;W[ce]WL[3293]C[ gogol NR : PN search ] ;B[bd]BL[3505]C[ NeuroGo NR : I would need some static analysis. NeuroGo NR : search is too slow during training and the gogol NR : what do you use for life and death ? NeuroGo NR : last group could have been analyzed statically. ] ;W[ge]WL[3243]C[ NeuroGo NR : At present nearly nothing. There is some code for detecting ] ;B[ed]BL[3484]C[ NeuroGo NR : unconditianally alive groups at the end of the game. gogol NR : how much position do you have to analyze for training it ? ] ;W[bf]WL[3177] ;B[ee]BL[3469]C[ NeuroGo NR : 30000 games. NeuroGo NR : Depends on the network of course. ] ;W[gd]WL[3137]C[ NeuroGo NR : Close game. ] ;B[df]BL[3454]C[ gogol NR : better than last one NeuroGo NR : Yes , no need to care about 2 eyes. ] ;W[cf]WL[3083] ;B[dg]BL[3439]C[ gogol NR : Neurogo is better at semeai NeuroGo NR : What is Gogol's evaluation? ] ;W[dh]WL[3041]C[ gogol NR : lose by 4 ] ;B[fg]BL[3415]C[ NeuroGo NR : NeuroGo +0.79. What is esemeai? ] ;W[ff]WL[3012]C[ gogol NR : 9.5 with komi gogol NR : running fight between two groups ] ;B[ch]BL[3377]C[ gogol NR : usually the one that has lot of liberties wins ] ;W[ef]WL[2981]C[ gogol NR : there is a formulae to calculate the winner gogol NR : but i do not use it yet ] ;B[de]BL[3353]C[ NeuroGo NR : Yes I know. Do you have the article? I was looking for it. gogol NR : good move by NeuroGo! ] ;W[bh]WL[2950]C[ gogol NR : It was by m. mueller in Cannes workshop in 1993, a japanese ] ;B[cd]BL[3310]C[ gogol NR : found a subset of it using graph theory, GPW 96 and games workshop IJCAI97 ] ;W[ic]WL[2909]C[ gogol NR : ask martin, he has it ] ;B[af]BL[3289] ;W[ci]WL[2881] ;B[ib]BL[3270] ;W[id]WL[2859] ;B[gb]BL[3250]C[ NeuroGo NR : Save move. NeuroGo would have tried F7 otherwise. ] ;W[eh]WL[2821]C[ gogol NR : and it would have worked ] ;B[ha]BL[3227] ;W[ag]WL[2796] ;B[ae]BL[3214] ;W[hg]WL[2777] ;B[fd]BL[3200] ;W[bb]WL[2749] ;B[cb]BL[3188] ;W[ba]WL[2710] ;B[ca]BL[3179] ;W[ac]WL[2682] ;B[fe]BL[3167] ;W[bc]WL[2656]C[ NeuroGo NR : Clearly only 1 eye. ] ;B[tt]BL[3151] ;W[hh]WL[2636] ;B[tt]BL[3138] ;W[db]WL[2602] ;B[tt]BL[3125]C[ NeuroGo NR : Sorry that it does not pass earlier. ] ;W[fb]WL[2568] ;B[fa]BL[3112] ;W[ah]WL[2534]C[ NeuroGo NR : During training I do not allow it to pass before the game can be scored. ] ;B[tt]BL[3090] ;W[tt]WL[2506] ;B[tt]BL[3090]C[ NeuroGo dead @ B9 gogol dead @ F8 gogol dead @ D8 gogol dead @ F3 gogol done ]; TW[ai][bg][bi][ch][di][ei][fg][fh][fi][gf][gh][gi][he][hf][hi][ie][if][ig] [ih][ii] TB[aa][ab][ac][ad][ba][bb][bc][da][db][dc][dd][ea][ec][fb][fc][ga][hb][ia] )