(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by IGS] CoPyright[ Copyright (c) I.Net Technologies, Inc. 1995 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice. ] GN[pett-Explorer(B) IGS]RE[W+1.5] PW[pett]WR[NR ]NW[ 0.0] PB[Explorer]BR[??? ]NB[ 1.0] PC[IGS: igs.nuri.net 6969]DT[1996-02-17] SZ[9]TM[900]KM[0.500000]LT[] ;B[fg]BL[891]C[ pett NR : and we're off! ] ;W[gd]WL[857] ;B[cf]BL[879] ;W[cg]WL[824]C[ pett NR : so you're using 'say' now, right? ] ;B[dg]BL[869]C[ Explorer ??? : now its say, before it was tell pett NR : yes Explorer ??? : can you see the difference? ] ;W[cc]WL[788] ;B[bg]BL[849]C[ pett NR : no, your talk always starts with *Explorer*: ] ;W[ch]WL[744]C[ pett NR : looks different to you? Explorer ??? : but only the say goes into the game record pett NR : exactly pett NR : gottaGo is off to a brilliant start, I must say ] ;B[de]BL[783]C[ Explorer ??? : two corners and sentew.... Explorer ??? : did you work on gottago recently? ] ;W[ef]WL[659]C[ pett NR : No, I would like to, but so many things... pett NR : you've put in some work on Explorer, yes? Explorer ??? : I started again, recently. So me eye shape stuff ] ;B[df]BL[699]C[ Explorer ??? : sometimes it makes eyes in strange places now :-) ] ;W[hg]WL[571]C[ Explorer ??? : but it used to think false eyes are real, so it died too much... pett NR : better strange eyes than no eyes :-) Explorer ??? : exactly :) ] ;B[gf]BL[611] ;W[bf]WL[559]C[ pett NR : gottaGo will, of course, win the Ing prize when I have a week or so to work on it :-) Explorer ??? : explorer just crashed...first time in months... pett NR : I win! I win! Can you continue? Explorer ??? : I'm trying...please wait a bit pett NR : okay, no problem ] ;B[bh]BL[341]C[ pett NR : good, most programs would crash repeatedly on the same position ] ;W[bi]WL[479] ;B[dh]BL[322] ;W[gg]WL[467] ;B[hf]BL[299] ;W[hh]WL[406]C[ pett NR : h2...yuck ] ;B[be]BL[169]C[ Explorer ??? : h2 may turn out very good pett NR : yeah, but it shouldn't :-) Explorer ??? : agree :) ] ;W[ag]WL[295]C[ Explorer ??? : I was hoping the new eye stuff would find f2 pett NR : oh yeah, bring it home, baby ;-) ] ;B[af]BL[122]C[ Explorer ??? : predict a2 :) ] ;W[ah]WL[278]C[ pett NR : we're persistent... ] ;B[ci]BL[93]C[ Explorer ??? : predice a1 :-O pett NR : hee hee :-) Explorer ??? : in fact we could have ignored a2, its still dead pett NR : yep, but it was too tasty, I guess Explorer ??? : it's beyond the tactics horizon to see ] ;W[ge]WL[146] ;B[ff]BL[79]C[ Explorer ??? : that was easy... ] ;W[fh]WL[133] ;B[ee]BL[32] ;W[fc]WL[121]C[ Explorer ??? : is entering byo-yomi ] ;B[ab]BL[1140]C[ pett NR : nice move ] ;W[eh]WL[83]C[ Explorer ??? : e5 was bad w is ahead ] ;B[eg]BL[1101]C[ Explorer ??? : huge captuere :-|( pett NR : gottaGo doesn't know those long extensions on the side ] ;W[ec]WL[47] ;B[gi]BL[1077]C[ Explorer ??? : here comes the eye killer! ] ;W[hi]WL[33] ;B[ei]BL[1054] ;W[bc]WL[11] ;B[bb]BL[1023]C[ Explorer ??? : wrong way again it did it twice against indigo pett NR : is entering byo-yomi ] ;W[gh]WL[1122] ;B[db]BL[1006] ;W[cb]WL[1105] ;B[ac]BL[986]C[ pett NR : interesting Explorer ??? : unusual ] ;W[dc]WL[1059]C[ Explorer ??? : after c8 tactics kicks in ] ;B[ie]BL[963] ;W[hb]WL[1030]C[ Explorer ??? : can you stop this? pett NR : stop what? Explorer ??? : first line running in ] ;B[ih]BL[921] ;W[ig]WL[994]C[ pett NR : beats me, been a while since I've run gottaGo ] ;B[ad]BL[875] ;W[ba]WL[978]C[ pett NR : once a6 connected, gottaGo saw the d8 problem ] ;B[ic]BL[828] ;W[hc]WL[958] ;B[id]BL[790]C[ pett NR : thing is, gottaGo does Japanese counting, so may not agressively fill dame ] ;W[fi]WL[920] ;B[di]BL[775]C[ Explorer ??? : you lead by komi ] ;W[ib]WL[907] ;B[aa]BL[735] ;W[ca]WL[880] ;B[bd]BL[722] ;W[if]WL[858]C[ pett NR : that was clicko! pett NR : meant to click j4 ] ;B[he]BL[693]C[ Explorer ??? : ok, undo pett NR : can we take back? pett NR : okay pett NR : sorry about that! ] ;W[fe]WL[841]C[ Explorer ??? : clicko is mouse typo? ] ;B[ed]BL[645] ;W[cd]WL[819] ;B[ce]BL[623] ;W[tt]WL[801] ;B[hd]BL[596]C[ pett NR : yes, mouse typo... gottaGo just passed ] ;W[fd]WL[773] ;B[dd]BL[584] ;W[tt]WL[745] ;B[tt]BL[567]C[ pett NR : I score it 40-41, so with komi gottaGo wins. Explorer ??? : 4.5 points pett NR : right Explorer ??? : you're too strong for me :) pett NR : hee hee hee. pett NR : maybe you'd win as black Explorer ??? : I lost four games in a row now pett NR : gottaGo is a rock :-) Explorer ??? : you must pass once more ] ;W[tt]WL[724]; TW[da][db][ea][eb][fa][fb][ga][gb][gc][gi][ha][ia][ih][ii] TB[ae][ag][ah][ai][bf][bi][cg][ch][ef] )