(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by IGS] CoPyright[ Copyright (c) I.Net Technologies, Inc. 1995 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice. ] GN[Explorer-bouzy(B) IGS]RE[W+0.5] PW[Explorer]WR[??? ]NW[ 1.0] PB[bouzy]BR[NR ]NB[ 0.0] PC[IGS: igs.nuri.net 6969]DT[1996-02-15] SZ[9]TM[900]KM[0.500000]LT[] ;B[gg]BL[822] ;W[cc]WL[891] ;B[cg]BL[795] ;W[gd]WL[874] ;B[ce]BL[765] ;W[ed]WL[864] ;B[ee]BL[744] ;W[fe]WL[854] ;B[dd]BL[717] ;W[ef]WL[824]C[ Explorer ??? : wow counter attack... ] ;B[de]BL[692] ;W[eh]WL[805] ;B[ff]BL[670] ;W[fg]WL[789] ;B[gf]BL[647] ;W[eb]WL[766]C[ Explorer ??? : arggh! terrible ] ;B[gh]BL[608] ;W[dc]WL[719]C[ Explorer ??? : a bug in the pattern library caused this ] ;B[df]BL[578] ;W[he]WL[703] ;B[eg]BL[549] ;W[bd]WL[679] ;B[fh]BL[526]C[ Explorer ??? : keeps eating stones? ] ;W[bf]WL[656] ;B[be]BL[470] ;W[bg]WL[622]C[ Explorer ??? : I was afraid it would do this, I've seen it before ] ;B[dh]BL[441] ;W[bh]WL[581]C[ Explorer ??? : :-(-( ] ;B[ae]BL[400]C[ Explorer ??? : who knows? :) Explorer ??? : strong move :) ] ;W[if]WL[538] ;B[hc]BL[390] ;W[hg]WL[503]C[ Explorer ??? : computer Go is fun... ] ;B[ha]BL[367] ;W[hh]WL[460] ;B[gb]BL[336] ;W[ib]WL[420] ;B[ic]BL[316] ;W[fa]WL[386] ;B[ad]BL[288] ;W[ac]WL[311] ;B[hi]BL[254] ;W[fc]WL[236] ;B[hf]BL[214] ;W[ih]WL[114] ;B[tt]BL[173]C[ Explorer ??? : really? ] ;W[ge]WL[67]C[ Explorer ??? : glad Explorer got this in... ] ;B[tt]BL[136]C[ Explorer ??? : you need a dame-filling procedure... Explorer ??? : especially atari-dame... Explorer ??? : i c, a bug in the move selection when the 'best' move is bad? Explorer ??? : is entering byo-yomi ] ;W[cd]WL[868] ;B[tt]BL[102] ;W[fb]WL[808] ;B[tt]BL[79] ;W[gc]WL[776]C[ Explorer ??? : shall we stop? Explorer will play J5 and J3 after killing the corner bouzy NR : is entering byo-yomi ] ;B[hb]BL[824]C[ Explorer ??? : pass? you did H8, no? ] ;W[ie]WL[723] ;B[tt]BL[809] ;W[id]WL[696] ;B[tt]BL[708] ;W[hd]WL[683] ;B[tt]BL[677] ;W[ig]WL[678]C[ Explorer ??? : finally... ] ;B[tt]BL[628] ;W[ch]WL[652]C[ Explorer ??? : ??? Explorer ??? : new plan :) ] ;B[ci]BL[610] ;W[af]WL[569] ;B[bi]BL[591]C[ Explorer ??? : good morning indigo... Explorer ??? : :-) ] ;W[ii]WL[480] ;B[gi]BL[582] ;W[cf]WL[427]C[ Explorer ??? : no, too many dangerous gaps in its walls... ] ;B[dg]BL[468] ;W[tt]WL[419] ;B[tt]BL[460] ;W[tt]WL[419]; TW[aa][ab][ba][bb][bc][ca][cb][da][db][ea][ec][fd][ga][gb][ha][hb][hc][ia] [ic] TB[af][ag][ah][ai][bf][bg][bh][cf][ch][di][ef][eh][ei][fg][fi] )