(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by IGS] CoPyright[ Copyright (c) I.Net Technologies, Inc. 1995 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice. ] GN[Explorer-Perception(B) IGS]RE[W+1.0] PW[Explorer]WR[14k ]NW[18.0] PB[Perception]BR[NR ]NB[ 0.0] PC[IGS: igs.nuri.net 6969]DT[1996-02-05] SZ[9]TM[600]KM[0.000000]LT[] ;B[gc]BL[588] ;W[dg]WL[580] ;B[ff]BL[531] ;W[gg]WL[573] ;B[ed]BL[526]C[ Explorer 14k : it really loves this 3-3 stuff ] ;W[gf]WL[558]C[ Perception NR : Seems to. But that's good, esp. in a 9x9 game, isn't it? ] ;B[ce]BL[515] ;W[fg]WL[551] ;B[cg]BL[500] ;W[ch]WL[526] ;B[df]BL[482] ;W[ef]WL[511] ;B[dh]BL[463]C[ Perception NR : Yes. Again I get off to a good start! ] ;W[eg]WL[493]C[ Perception NR : Really? I thought I had it easy till you cut off the center. ] ;B[bh]BL[366]C[ Perception NR : Bad netlag. :-( ] ;W[fe]WL[471] ;B[cc]BL[349]C[ Perception NR : Very good! ] ;W[fd]WL[455] ;B[eb]BL[333] ;W[he]WL[447]C[ Perception NR : Ugh. :-( Why not f7? ] ;B[ic]BL[310] ;W[fc]WL[436]C[ Perception NR : And even less good. :-) Perception NR : J7, I mean. ] ;B[ga]BL[286] ;W[ec]WL[421]C[ Perception NR : Well, I don't like j7, but g9...not that was really bad! ] ;B[dd]BL[262]C[ Perception NR : Glad you were wrong! ] ;W[db]WL[403] ;B[fb]BL[239] ;W[cb]WL[382]C[ Perception NR : I guess Ex feels safe here. ] ;B[dc]BL[216] ;W[ee]WL[365]C[ Perception NR : Not sure if percep will be able to kill you here. It isn't very good at killing still. ] ;B[bb]BL[198]C[ Perception NR : Well, it is when you don't fight back. :-) ] ;W[hd]WL[340] ;B[hg]BL[181] ;W[hc]WL[326]C[ echidna 28k : are yoooou developing programs comershaly or as a hoby? ] ;B[ih]BL[164]C[ Perception NR : ??? Perception NR : What is it *doing* here? ] ;W[ib]WL[310] ;B[gh]BL[146]C[ Perception NR : Well, I wish it luck. ] ;W[de]WL[284] ;B[ca]BL[126]C[ Perception NR : Hope not c4... Perception NR : Good! ] ;W[gd]WL[259] ;B[gb]BL[115]C[ Perception NR : Weird how they'll both ignore the same good move ] ;W[cf]WL[239] ;B[ci]BL[106] ;W[bf]WL[230] ;B[if]BL[96] ;W[be]WL[222] ;B[fh]BL[88]C[ Perception NR : Percep actually thinks it leads by 6 ] ;W[eh]WL[214] ;B[ag]BL[80] ;W[bd]WL[204] ;B[ei]BL[72] ;W[ac]WL[196] ;B[aa]BL[64] ;W[bg]WL[186] ;B[ch]BL[57]C[ Perception NR : Very close then! ] ;W[af]WL[175] ;B[ah]BL[52] ;W[cd]WL[167] ;B[bc]BL[48] ;W[hb]WL[159] ;B[ie]BL[46] ;W[id]WL[152]C[ Perception NR : I think w is ahead...I'll count... ] ;B[da]BL[19] ;W[hf]WL[143]C[ Perception NR : Wow...it is close. Perception NR : is entering byo-yomi ] ;B[fi]BL[594]C[ Perception NR : Oh no! :-( ] ;W[ig]WL[136] ;B[hh]BL[573] ;W[if]WL[129] ;B[ha]BL[555] ;W[ia]WL[123]C[ Perception NR : IGS will score this japanese ] ;B[ab]BL[542]C[ Perception NR : We'll have to count by hand. ] ;W[ad]WL[117] ;B[ii]BL[538]C[ Perception NR : I get B=41, w=40! ] ;W[tt]WL[89] ;B[ai]BL[536] ;W[tt]WL[77]C[ Perception NR : Since I'm filling my eyes, there will be a difference. :-) Perception NR : Let me recount to be sure. ] ;B[tt]BL[509]C[ Perception NR : Yes, 41 to 40! ] ;W[tt]WL[77]; TW[ae][ce][df][ff][ge][ic][ie] TB[ba][bi][cb][db][di][ea][fa][gi][hi] )