(; GM[1]EV[A TOURNAMENT game played on the Internet Go Server]US[Brought to you by IGS] CoPyright[ Copyright (c) I.Net Technologies, Inc. 1995 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice. ] RS[GOE]RU[1]GN[Poka-Perception(B) IGS]RE[B+Resign] PW[Poka]WR[NR ]NW[ 0.0] PB[Perception]BR[NR ]NB[ 0.0] PC[IGS: igs.nuri.net 6969]DT[1996-01-16] SZ[9]TM[600]KM[8.000000]LT[] ;B[df]BL[597]C[ Perception NR : Thanks! Perception NR : Now I can see the moves it was considering and how good it thought they were, etc. ] ;W[fg]WL[580]C[ Perception NR : I should add undo now. Poka NR : I turned the opening library on. Perception NR : It's something I always put off, but now that I'm plaing it's time to have it. Perception NR : You have an opening library? Cool! ] ;B[ec]BL[572]C[ Poka NR : 9x9 games from IGS and tournaments Perception NR : But these are odd moves. I doubt that they will be in it. ] ;W[gc]WL[556] ;B[gf]BL[550]C[ Poka NR : Yeah, E7 exited the library. Libraries aren't much good against weak programs. ] ;W[fb]WL[546]C[ Perception NR : :-) One advantage of having terrible strategic reading. ] ;B[fh]BL[529] ;W[bb]WL[538]C[ Perception NR : And F2 would have done it in if the earlier moves hadn't. Perception NR : Perception thinks that playing under a 3rd line stone is a great way to cut it off of the edge. :-( Poka NR : I really should port the 1992 version down to 9x9. ] ;B[eg]BL[495]C[ Perception NR : How was it different from this version? ] ;W[he]WL[526]C[ Poka NR : 1992 I added a rudimentary 'tactical reflex'. Kind if kneejerk, still doesn't read, but at least squirm when liberties are low. ] ;B[bc]BL[445] ;W[bh]WL[518]C[ Perception NR : Why don't you add reading? Are you trying to avoid it on purpose? Poka NR : Perception is being rather aggressive this game. Perception NR : Yes. Poka NR : No, just lazy. :-) Perception NR : It's not hard. I did it in 2 days. Perception NR : Simple alpha-beta. ] ;B[cb]BL[390]C[ Poka NR : Spent the last 18 months writing a paper on theory of eye-counting. ] ;W[hf]WL[500]C[ Perception NR : Perception is looking ahead 2 moves, which makes it aggressive. At 1 and 3 it is defensive. Perception NR : A quirk of my evaluation algorithm; sente means you move first in EVERY local problem. Perception NR : I need to fix that, of course. Perception NR : It actually plays a better game when it only looks ahead 1 move because it defends itself some. ] ;B[bg]BL[303] ;W[bd]WL[490]C[ Perception NR : I saw your paper but haven't read it yet. Perception NR : I do have the postscript downloaded. Poka NR : Anyway, that took up all my Go time. Didn't even play much, let alone program. ] ;B[ch]BL[199] ;W[ee]WL[481]C[ Perception NR : Well, I'll have to read it. Perception NR : Oh no! It thinks it has 60 times as much time as it really has! :-( Perception NR : Let's see if it runs out of time. It might not. ] ;B[cd]BL[121] ;W[ed]WL[471]C[ Poka NR : Poka thinks it's a bit behind on the board. Perception NR : Perception thinks it's ahead by 4.84, but because of that super-sente bug that is optimistic ] ;B[hd]BL[42] ;W[hc]WL[460]C[ Perception NR : I mean 14.85. Now up to 17.99. Perception NR : I must fix undos and time. :-( Perception NR : is entering byo-yomi ] ;B[ge]BL[820]C[ Poka NR : Poka agrees it's farther behind. ] ;W[gd]WL[446] ;B[gg]BL[817] ;W[hh]WL[436]C[ Perception NR : Ah! A 1 move lookahead! Now perception thinks it's B+10 ] ;B[be]BL[778] ;W[hg]WL[427] ;B[fc]BL[746] ;W[eb]WL[418]C[ Perception NR : Suryrisingly good move at F7. ] ;B[dc]BL[712]C[ Perception NR : Not sure if perception did the reading to understand that move or not. ] ;W[fd]WL[410] ;B[ea]BL[689] ;W[fa]WL[398]C[ Perception NR : Not d8...not d8...please not d8... Poka NR : I just hope Poka connects at G8 when it needs to. :-) Perception NR : I don't think it will get that far. Perception will probably tenuki here. :-) ] ;B[da]BL[621] ;W[de]WL[390]C[ Perception NR : But if you give it the chance, perception will defnitely play d8 itself. :-) ] ;B[hi]BL[582] ;W[id]WL[378]C[ Perception NR : Does poka play 19x19 very well? Perception falls apart completely there. Poka NR : It was tuned for 19x19 ... not great, but took 3rd in North America this year by luck. ] ;B[gh]BL[537] ;W[bi]WL[368]C[ Perception NR : Oh! That's good. ] ;B[ih]BL[504] ;W[ag]WL[350]C[ Perception NR : Grrr. Stupid super-sente bug probably recommended J2. Perception NR : Now it had better not tenuki. ] ;B[bf]BL[463]C[ Perception NR : Well...not bad. Could have been worse. ] ;W[ci]WL[340]C[ Perception NR : Oh no. It'll play D1 I bet. ] ;B[eh]BL[428] ;W[ac]WL[328] ;B[cc]BL[407]C[ Poka NR : Big ko, if it comes to that! Perception NR : :-) ] ;W[ad]WL[316]C[ Perception NR : For a while I had trouble convincing it to fill kos. Now it seems to do OK at that. ] ;B[gb]BL[387]C[ Perception NR : ??? Too early! :-( ] ;W[hb]WL[307]C[ Poka NR : Thank you! :-) ] ;B[db]BL[369]C[ Perception NR : Alas, like most computer programs, perception does not lay traps. ] ;W[ba]WL[289]C[ Perception NR : It can't imagine the opponent would make a mistake that it can spot itself. ] ;B[ha]BL[354]C[ Poka NR : I can't believe that .... Perception NR : Well, that was nice! :-) ] ;W[cg]WL[273] ;B[dh]BL[338] ;W[fi]WL[262] ;B[ga]BL[325]C[ Perception NR : I think I'll write a go paper and call it "tactical alpha-beta saved my program's butt" Perception NR : :-) ] ;W[fb]WL[253]C[ Perception NR : Probably won't be as interesting as your paper. ] ;B[ef]BL[313] ;W[fe]WL[236] ;B[ce]BL[305]C[ Poka NR : Rats, C5 was Poka's last chance. ] ;W[ff]WL[213]C[ Perception NR : Yes. I think so. Perception NR : Perception is good enough at reading, I don't think it will mess up now. Perception NR : There's a perception binary on my web site if you have Linux and want to play around. Perception NR : I figure that if people give each other binaries, we can test our programs at home against each other Perception NR : Get more good testing done that way Perception NR : Gee...what is it thinking about? Perception NR : Probably doing tactical reading on F4. Since it doesn't know about eyes it sometimes wastes time trying to kill live groups. ] ;B[di]BL[87]C[ Perception NR : Plus because of the time bug it thinks it still has tons of time left. ] ;W[ib]WL[201]C[ Poka NR : made 2 eyes by accident. :-) Perception NR : :-) Perception NR : Ummm...if it gets low, could you addtime please? I think it will run out this move, the global search is at 3 ply right now Poka NR : Increase Perception's time by 5 minutes Perception NR : Please?... Poka NR : I just gave it 5 minutes. Perception NR : Thanks! Perception NR : That should cover it. Hopefully that will be enough. :-O ] ;B[cf]BL[251] ;W[ia]WL[189]C[ Perception NR : What a waste to think 2 minutes about that. Poka NR : *NOW* a tenuki would be nice. :-) Perception NR : Let's see. :-) I'd be really surprised if it messes up here. Perception NR : But this is probably your last chance for a win. Perception NR : And it could happen. Poka NR : Would take more than those few points. :-( Perception NR : Yes, I guess so. ] ;B[fa]BL[146]C[ Perception NR : I've really got to fix that stupid time bug. ] ;W[af]WL[179]C[ Perception NR : Good. Perception NR : Here's another chance...will it let poka get 2 eyes? Poka NR : Poka needs 3 moves in a row. :-) Perception NR : Yes, but since Perception doesn't know about eyes it just might let it happen. :-O Poka NR : I don't understand why Poka hasn't played J3 yet. Perception NR : If it decides to invade at J3 or something. ] ;B[gi]BL[70]C[ Perception NR : Oh no. ] ;W[ae]WL[167]C[ Perception NR : I hate to keep asking this, but if you have to, could you addtime again? Poka NR : Now only needs 2 moves in a row. But might not find them even if given the chance. Poka NR : Increase Perception's time by 3 minutes Perception NR : If it is needed of course. ] ;B[ah]BL[215]C[ Perception NR : Thank you. Perception NR : Yay! ] ;W[ab]WL[148]C[ Perception NR : has entered byo-yomi again ] ;B[ig]BL[887]C[ Poka NR : Are you ready for this? Perception NR : For what? Perception NR : J4? ] ;W[hd]WL[110]C[ Perception NR : Oh my god. Poka NR : Gets the maximal liberties for the H2 chain. :-( Perception NR : Oops. Just decided to turn up the global search to 4 ply. Perception NR : Thinks it has 15 minutes on the clock to make *5* more moves. ] ;B[if]BL[760]C[ Poka NR : Poka passed ... time to resign I think. Perception NR : OK. Thanks for putting up this that time hassle. ]; AW[ab][ac][ad][ae][af][ag][ba][bb][bd][bh][bi][cg][ci][de][ed][ee][fb][fd] [fe][ff][fg][fi][gc][gd][hb][hc][hd][he][hf][hg][hh][ia][ib][id] AB[ah][bc][be][bf][bg][cb][cc][cd][ce][cf][ch][da][db][dc][df][dh][di][ea] [ec][ef][eg][eh][fa][fc][fh][ga][gb][ge][gf][gg][gh][gi][ha][hi][if][ig] [ih] )