(; GM[1]EV[A TOURNAMENT game played on the Internet Go Server]US[Brought to you by IGS] CoPyright[ Copyright (c) I.Net Technologies, Inc. 1995 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice. ] RS[GOE]RU[1]GN[Explorer-Perception(B) IGS]RE[W+53.0] PW[Explorer]WR[14k ]NW[18.0] PB[Perception]BR[NR ]NB[ 0.0] PC[IGS: igs.nuri.net 6969]DT[1996-01-16] SZ[9]TM[1200]KM[5.500000]LT[] ;B[de]BL[1197]C[ Perception NR : Well, it thinks that the time is 6+20/25, but close enough I guess. ] ;W[cg]WL[1162]C[ Perception NR : Good luck! :-) Explorer 14k : thanks ] ;B[gg]BL[1172] ;W[ef]WL[1146]C[ Perception NR : The time bug isn't in perception, it's in my client which is supposed to tell Perception what the time controls are. ] ;B[gc]BL[1149]C[ Explorer 14k : what bug? ] ;W[ge]WL[1136]C[ Perception NR : Perception doesn't know the main time period correctly. It only knows the byo-yomi period. ] ;B[dc]BL[1129]C[ Perception NR : But this is close enough, at least it won't think way past it's amount of time. ] ;W[ee]WL[1128] ;B[eg]BL[1110] ;W[df]WL[1111]C[ Perception NR : Explorer plays very solidly! Explorer 14k : komi is 8, isnt that too much? Perception NR : That's fine. Whatever is OK. ] ;B[he]BL[1080]C[ Explorer 14k : there should be rules, but I cannot remember Perception NR : . If the game is close enough for komi to matter I'll be surprised, the way these programs play. :-) Perception NR : I think that the komi is supposed to be 5.5 ] ;W[hf]WL[1080]C[ Perception NR : How about if it's between 5.5 and 8, we do a rematch. Explorer 14k : I will try to look it up, I also think it is 5.5 ] ;B[hd]BL[1016]C[ Perception NR : Yay! Wasn't sure that it would get that one. ] ;W[ed]WL[1041] ;B[gf]BL[1015] ;W[fd]WL[1027]C[ Explorer 14k : ouch! Perception NR : I wouldn't get too worried if I were you... Perception NR : Can your program read well? ] ;B[bc]BL[981]C[ Perception NR : Perception won the first two games by reading out semeai's better ] ;W[dd]WL[998]C[ Explorer 14k : I'm impressed... Perception NR : It's surprisingly good at that sometimes. Other times surprisingly bad. ] ;B[be]BL[945]C[ Perception NR : D'oh! ] ;W[cd]WL[985] ;B[ch]BL[921]C[ Perception NR : Double D'oh! ] ;W[bh]WL[957]C[ Explorer 14k : maybe you'll kill all Perception NR : I doubt it. It looks like explorer will get at least one eye. Perception NR : And Perception doesn't know about eyes so it's bad at killing big groups. Explorer 14k : haha ] ;B[fe]BL[881]C[ Perception NR : ??? WHY??? Perception NR : At least it's sente. :-| ] ;W[gd]WL[906]C[ Explorer 14k : maybe not :) Perception NR : It's really weird sometimes, the moves it chooses to make. I guess you must have the same trouble. Explorer 14k : how do you choose moves? ] ;B[dh]BL[823]C[ Perception NR : I do a full board search (2 ply right now) Perception NR : That terminates in alpha-beta tactical searches to find liveness of each group Perception NR : Then I do an influence function to divvy up the rest ] ;W[ce]WL[862] ;B[hc]BL[820]C[ Perception NR : How about you? Explorer 14k : lots of things, but it really weak on the 9x9 Perception NR : Ah. I'm really weak at 19x19. Hilariously so. Perception NR : But after 5 ridiculous moves it turns just boring instead of funny. ] ;W[ff]WL[808] ;B[bi]BL[796]C[ Perception NR : Looks like I won't kill all. Explorer 14k : most of Explorer's knowledge does not apply on 9x9 Perception NR : Lots of shape information or something? ] ;W[bf]WL[760]C[ Perception NR : B4 is a good move Explorer 14k : yes, and the territory values on 9x9 are very different. 2nd line is good here ] ;B[ah]BL[746] ;W[bg]WL[725]C[ Perception NR : Oh. I play 2nd line too much. Perception thinks playing under a 3rd line stone is a great way to separate it from the edge. Explorer 14k : you can see almost all moves are on line 3 and 4 Explorer 14k : which is vey bad here... ] ;B[eh]BL[717]C[ Perception NR : Yes. If perception plays right it will get all the edges. Perception NR : But I'm not sure that it will. ] ;W[bd]WL[705]C[ Perception NR : Explorer can kill the whole UL if it tries... Explorer 14k : yes, e8 or f8 ] ;B[fb]BL[696]C[ Perception NR : Yay! :-) ] ;W[cc]WL[692] ;B[bb]BL[673]C[ Perception NR : Oops. ] ;W[cb]WL[677]C[ Perception NR : Close game. Perception NR : Maybe the komi will matter. ] ;B[ba]BL[652]C[ Explorer 14k : lets set komi 5.5 ] ;W[ca]WL[656]C[ Perception NR : OK. Good. Perception NR : Now if only it gives up on the UL and saves the top... ] ;B[hi]BL[631]C[ Perception NR : Oh wow. Perception NR : What a classic. ] ;W[ec]WL[643]C[ Explorer 14k : unusual... ] ;B[db]BL[619]C[ Perception NR : And another idiot move. ] ;W[eb]WL[630]C[ Perception NR : It was doing so well for a while there. Explorer 14k : yes ] ;B[ad]BL[608] ;W[ag]WL[606] ;B[ci]BL[596]C[ Explorer 14k : good Perception NR : Yes. At least it saw that one. ] ;W[ai]WL[572]C[ Explorer 14k : bad ] ;B[ea]BL[586]C[ Perception NR : No, not bad. Just not the biggest move around. Perception NR : Now H1, *that* was bad. Explorer 14k : very bad! Explorer 14k : f3 is best ] ;W[ah]WL[531] ;B[fa]BL[574]C[ Perception NR : Yes. But that's tricky. Threat to invade. Perception has a dim view of sente. Perception NR : It's heard of it, but doesn't think much of the idea. ] ;W[da]WL[512] ;B[ib]BL[564]C[ Perception NR : Now it's just firming up it's territory. Perception NR : Looks like you'll win... ] ;W[fg]WL[487] ;B[fi]BL[551]C[ Perception NR : Oh no. ] ;W[fh]WL[432] ;B[ei]BL[536]C[ Explorer 14k : hmm, looks like we get something Perception NR : Looks like I'm in big trouble. :-( Perception NR : It saw G2 and F1 as being equal in value, picked F1 at random. Why not the other way! :-( ] ;W[gh]WL[394] ;B[ac]BL[526]C[ Perception NR : Now it thinks that you are winning by 24 points Perception NR : Until g2 it thought you were winning by only 5 ] ;W[hh]WL[371] ;B[if]BL[519]C[ Explorer 14k : maybe more now ] ;W[hg]WL[347]C[ Perception NR : Yes, I think that you are winning by more than that. Explorer 14k : H3 bad, must be J3 Perception NR : Now let's see how much it thinks you have... ] ;B[dg]BL[365]C[ Perception NR : It says W+43 ] ;W[gi]WL[318] ;B[ih]BL[361]C[ Explorer 14k : very odd Perception NR : J2? ] ;W[ig]WL[300]C[ Explorer 14k : that too :) Perception NR : At least it wasn't a shutout. :-) Perception NR : Or at least, not yet. Perception NR : Explorer is MUCH stronger than Poka and GoLife. ] ;B[ie]BL[310]C[ Perception NR : Yay! ] ;W[fc]WL[289]C[ Explorer 14k : last problem point Perception NR : Yes. This should be easy for Perception. Perception NR : Tactical reading is perfect as long as liberties never exceeds 3. ] ;B[gb]BL[264] ;W[tt]WL[269]C[ Perception NR : Hopefully perception will pass now. Perception NR : It may attack A1 group though. ] ;B[hb]BL[234]C[ Perception NR : D'oh. ] ;W[tt]WL[259] ;B[dc]BL[219]C[ Perception NR : Argh. I'll resign to end this. ] ;W[tt]WL[251] ;B[gg]BL[206]C[ Explorer 14k : ok Perception NR : Hmmm...wait...should end itself in a move or two... ] ;W[tt]WL[238] ;B[tt]BL[196]C[ Perception NR : Good! ] ;W[tt]WL[238]C[ Perception NR : It passed finally! ]; AW[ba][ca][da][db][de][df][dg][dh][di][eb][ec][ed][ee][ef][eg][eh][ei][fc] [fd][fe][ff][fg][fh][fi][ga][gd][ge][gf][gg][gh][gi][ha][hf][hg][hh][hi] [ia][ig][ih][ii] AB[ab][ac][ad][ae][af][ag][ah][ai][bb][bc][bd][be][bf][bg][bh][bi][cb][cc] [cd][ce][cf][cg][ch][ci][dc][dd][ea][fa][fb][gb][gc][hb][hc][hd][he][ib] [ic][id][ie][if] TW[aa] )