(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by IGS] CoPyright[ Copyright (c) I.Net Technologies, Inc. 1995 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice. ] GN[NeuroGoII-Gogol(B) IGS]RE[W+Resign] PW[NeuroGoII]WR[NR ]NW[ 0.0] PB[Gogol]BR[17k ]NB[15.0] PC[IGS: igs.nuri.net 6969]DT[1995-06-14] SZ[9]TM[1800]KM[0.500000]LT[] ;B[cc]BL[1790] ;W[eb]WL[1738]C[ NeuroGoII NR : My connection is slow again... NeuroGoII NR : Yours? ] ;B[dc]BL[1742]C[ Gogol 17k : I am on the slowest machine of the lab... Gogol 17k : my mouse responds... 20 sec after I have moved it. ] ;W[ef]WL[1665] ;B[fb]BL[1723] ;W[fc]WL[1619]C[ NeuroGoII NR : At least we can play ] ;B[db]BL[1698]C[ Gogol 17k : what is the real answer time of NeuroGoII ? ] ;W[gb]WL[1573]C[ NeuroGoII NR : About 20 sec = 2000 nodes ] ;B[gg]BL[1603] ;W[hf]WL[1476]C[ Gogol 17k : does NeurogoII look at all the moves or selects interesting ones ? ] ;B[fd]BL[1579]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Brute force. I tried some selective NeuroGoII NR : search based on the evaluation NeuroGoII NR : but it did not play better ] ;W[ec]WL[1402]C[ Gogol 17k : So you have a # ply lookahead ? ] ;B[ed]BL[1544]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Search does not help in most of ] ;W[gd]WL[1321]C[ NeuroGoII NR : #==2-3 ] ;B[fe]BL[1523] ;W[ge]WL[1264]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Do you do some search? ] ;B[ff]BL[1479]C[ Gogol 17k : I do tactical search for connecting and eating stones Gogol 17k : Higly selective search based on pattern matching ] ;W[eg]WL[1224]C[ Gogol 17k : but Gogol does not make search to the global level Gogol 17k : Sometimes, he sould... ] ;B[cg]BL[1421] ;W[cf]WL[1181]C[ Gogol 17k : fight NeuroGoII NR : At 2 ply it wanted to play c2 NeuroGoII NR : fights without tactical lookahead Gogol 17k : NeuroGoII is better in fight than Gogol ] ;B[ce]BL[1249] ;W[df]WL[1131] ;B[dg]BL[1216] ;W[bg]WL[1061] ;B[ch]BL[1177] ;W[bh]WL[1014] ;B[fh]BL[1129] ;W[ci]WL[908] ;B[ad]BL[1092]C[ Gogol 17k : :-( ] ;W[be]WL[771] ;B[bd]BL[1051] ;W[de]WL[732] ;B[dd]BL[983]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Hello again. Gogol 17k : Connection problems... Gogol 17k : to igs of course. ] ;W[hg]WL[660]C[ Gogol 17k : the game seems difficult to win for Gogol now ] ;B[cd]BL[941]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Mine is most slow too ] ;W[bb]WL[611]C[ Gogol 17k : connection problems again ] ;B[ea]BL[693]C[ NeuroGoII NR : It is not a good time now. ] ;W[gc]WL[520] ;B[fa]BL[643]C[ Gogol 17k : let's die :-( ] ;W[fg]WL[479] ;B[gf]BL[611] ;W[hh]WL[428]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Hi Tristan! Gogol 17k : Hi again ] ;B[gh]BL[484] ;W[eh]WL[205] ;B[di]BL[450] ;W[dh]WL[105]; )