(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by IGS] CoPyright[ Copyright (c) Tim L. Casey 1994 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice. ] GN[Poka-rororo(B) IGS]RE[B+1.5] PW[Poka]WR[29k ]NW[ 3.0] PB[rororo]BR[??? ]NB[ 1.0] PC[IGS: igs.nuri.net 6969]DT[1995-04-08] SZ[9]TM[1800]KM[5.500000]LT[] ;B[dd]BL[1794] ;W[cf]WL[1779] ;B[gc]BL[1787] ;W[he]WL[1767] ;B[ef]BL[1780]C[ Poka 29k : Must be out of the library already. :-) ] ;W[bb]WL[1758] ;B[gg]BL[1768] ;W[dh]WL[1752]C[ Poka 29k : I should resign now. ] ;B[bd]BL[1762] ;W[be]WL[1742]C[ rororo ??? : oh boy :-) Poka 29k : Poka's lousy when it has lots of little groups. ] ;B[eh]BL[1740] ;W[di]WL[1734] ;B[ee]BL[1726] ;W[hh]WL[1727]C[ rororo ??? : explorer too :-) ] ;B[ad]BL[1718] ;W[ae]WL[1716] ;B[cc]BL[1701] ;W[hg]WL[1709]C[ Poka 29k : I think the right side "should" be alive now. ] ;B[dg]BL[1679] ;W[cg]WL[1702]C[ rororo ??? : yes, looks big ] ;B[ge]BL[1669] ;W[hf]WL[1693] ;B[gf]BL[1655] ;W[gh]WL[1686] ;B[hd]BL[1645] ;W[fd]WL[1676]C[ rororo ??? : intresting... ] ;B[gd]BL[1622]C[ Poka 29k : H6 was bigger than G2 ... ] ;W[fc]WL[1658]C[ rororo ??? : yes, and e1 is sente for b Poka 29k : Poka thinks your whole group has no eyes now, perhaps. Seems to be trying to kill. ] ;B[ie]BL[1595] ;W[if]WL[1645]C[ rororo ??? : ex is not afraid yet.. ] ;B[ih]BL[1579]C[ rororo ??? : haha! ] ;W[fh]WL[1633]C[ Poka 29k : But a brilliant rejoinder! ] ;B[fg]BL[1551]C[ rororo ??? : #$%^&*!!! ] ;W[ei]WL[1626] ;B[eb]BL[1540]C[ Poka 29k : Reverse sente even! ] ;W[df]WL[1610] ;B[fb]BL[1532] ;W[hb]WL[1600] ;B[eg]BL[1526] ;W[hi]WL[1590] ;B[id]BL[1518] ;W[ce]WL[1578] ;B[cd]BL[1508] ;W[ac]WL[1567] ;B[de]BL[1499] ;W[cb]WL[1560] ;B[bc]BL[1482]C[ rororo ??? : haha ] ;W[fe]WL[1552] ;B[ab]BL[1474] ;W[db]WL[1546] ;B[dc]BL[1458] ;W[ha]WL[1528]C[ Poka 29k : G8 would have been more interesting. ] ;B[fa]BL[1450] ;W[ib]WL[1516]C[ rororo ??? : still time for it ] ;B[ba]BL[1441] ;W[gb]WL[1510]C[ Poka 29k : Too late I think ] ;B[hc]BL[1421] ;W[tt]WL[1482] ;B[da]BL[1410]C[ Poka 29k : Poka hates to use up liberties. :-( ] ;W[tt]WL[1469]C[ rororo ??? : you have no other moves ] ;B[ca]BL[1394] ;W[cb]WL[1462] ;B[bb]BL[1388] ;W[ic]WL[1448]C[ rororo ??? : right, this gained two libs :-) Poka 29k : NOW??? ] ;B[ga]BL[1377] ;W[tt]WL[1441] ;B[ia]BL[1371]C[ rororo ??? : h8 :-\]\] ] ;W[hb]WL[1429] ;B[ha]BL[1361] ;W[ib]WL[1423]C[ rororo ??? : it threatened to kill j9 ] ;B[gb]BL[1352] ;W[tt]WL[1409] ;B[ic]BL[1340] ;W[tt]WL[1402] ;B[db]BL[1333]C[ Poka 29k : Uh-oh, I don't think the 9x9 version has the "capture dead stones" code ... rororo ??? : no problem, we can remove it ] ;W[tt]WL[1319] ;B[ed]BL[1325] ;W[tt]WL[1304] ;B[ec]BL[1319] ;W[tt]WL[1294] ;B[ff]BL[1312] ;W[fd]WL[1286] ;B[fc]BL[1308] ;W[tt]WL[1272] ;B[fe]BL[1303] ;W[tt]WL[1261] ;B[tt]BL[1292] ;W[tt]WL[1261]C[ Poka 29k : The komi is wrong, isn't it? ]; TW[af][ag][ah][ai][bf][bg][bh][bi][ch][ci][fi][gi][ig][ih][ii] TB[aa][ac][cb][ea][fd][hb][ib] )