(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by IGS] CoPyright[ Copyright (c) Tim L. Casey 1994 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice. ] GN[ego-GoLifeI(B) IGS]RE[B+4.5] PW[ego]WR[NR ]NW[ 0.0] PB[GoLifeI]BR[NR ]NB[ 0.0] PC[IGS: igs.nuri.net 6969]DT[1995-04-05] SZ[9]TM[600]KM[5.500000]LT[] ;B[fd]BL[588]C[ GoLifeI NR : Here we go... GoLifeI NR : Is this your first match with your new program? ] ;W[gc]WL[548]C[ GoLifeI NR : No worries. ] ;B[cg]BL[556] ;W[fc]WL[540] ;B[ef]BL[532] ;W[cc]WL[533] ;B[fe]BL[517] ;W[ec]WL[528] ;B[gg]BL[508] ;W[he]WL[522] ;B[ea]BL[496]C[ GoLifeI NR : hmm ] ;W[cb]WL[509]C[ GoLifeI NR : :) ] ;B[gb]BL[474] ;W[hb]WL[502]C[ GoLifeI NR : The stones are dead even by my program's standards. ] ;B[hc]BL[426]C[ GoLifeI NR : ...but that doesn't stop it... ] ;W[ga]WL[486]C[ GoLifeI NR : :) ] ;B[dc]BL[405] ;W[db]WL[478]C[ GoLifeI NR : Now it's really aggressive. Stupid ] ;B[fa]BL[369] ;W[fb]WL[472] ;B[gd]BL[348] ;W[hd]WL[464] ;B[dd]BL[323] ;W[cd]WL[455]C[ GoLifeI NR : Was that 'force before you defend' :-D ] ;B[be]BL[288] ;W[bd]WL[448] ;B[ad]BL[238] ;W[ac]WL[442]C[ GoLifeI NR : :-D ] ;B[ae]BL[201] ;W[bf]WL[434]C[ GoLifeI NR : Now it's ego's turn to test defense... ] ;B[ce]BL[167] ;W[de]WL[427] ;B[cf]BL[121] ;W[ed]WL[420] ;B[bg]BL[84] ;W[hg]WL[412]C[ GoLifeI NR : Ah -- That was big! ] ;B[df]BL[26]C[ GoLifeI NR : I don't want to watch this ] ;W[fg]WL[399]C[ GoLifeI NR : is entering byo-yomi ] ;B[gf]BL[1174] ;W[hf]WL[393]C[ GoLifeI NR : a sparc10. and you? ] ;B[fh]BL[1144] ;W[hh]WL[381]C[ GoLifeI NR : , Mine is a bit slower. 2 times the factor 6 for 486 50 to sparc10 gives 10-15 times slower. Thats ok with me :) GoLifeI NR : It's still very young GoLifeI NR : Yeah -- and I'm slower on time in this game as well. GoLifeI NR : indeed ] ;B[eg]BL[1013] ;W[gh]WL[374]C[ GoLifeI NR : At least it will live... ] ;B[gi]BL[982] ;W[hi]WL[364]C[ GoLifeI NR : .. is a tottally different matter :) I understand you are quite good. me I'm about 5 kyu. ] ;B[fi]BL[930]C[ GoLifeI NR : ? ] ;W[ge]WL[357] ;B[ff]BL[890] ;W[ee]WL[351] ;B[af]BL[858] ;W[tt]WL[343]C[ GoLifeI NR : After yesterdays game, i've added a routine that checks very dead groups, just in case. It's doing that right now. GoLifeI NR : It's wanted to pass three times now, so soon it probably will ] ;B[tt]BL[667] ;W[tt]WL[581]C[ GoLifeI NR : Just type done GoLifeI NR : Sounds awful to be stuck in a scoring mechanism :) ] ;B[tt]BL[343]C[ GoLifeI NR : Sorry -- it was me that didn't pass twice ] ;W[tt]WL[262]; TW[dc][dd][gb] TB[ag][ah][ai][bf][bh][bi][ch][ci][dg][dh][di][eh][ei][fg] )