(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by IGS] CoPyright[ Copyright (c) Tim L. Casey 1994 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice. ] GN[Tristan-NeuroGoII(B) IGS]RE[B+Resign] PW[Tristan]WR[17k ]NW[15.0] PB[NeuroGoII]BR[NR ]NB[ 0.0] PC[IGS: igs.nuri.net 6969]DT[1995-03-31] SZ[9]TM[1500]KM[0.500000]LT[] C[ Tristan 17k : u to play ! ] ;B[gg]BL[1468] ;W[cc]WL[1477] ;B[gc]BL[1420] ;W[cg]WL[1456]C[ NeuroGoII NR : You have a much longer time NeuroGoII NR : on the web page? Tristan 17k : Gogol is much faster now ] ;B[de]BL[1367]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Shit. Shutdown again. Tristan 17k : until it improves again ... ] ;W[be]WL[1434]C[ NeuroGoII NR : I HATE IT!!!! ] ;B[dc]BL[1311]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Am I still alive? ] ;W[dd]WL[1414] ;B[cd]BL[1277]C[ NeuroGoII NR : If there is the server problem again, NeuroGoII NR : can we try it at 17.30 once more? ] ;W[ed]WL[1351] ;B[bc]BL[1250] ;W[cb]WL[1324] ;B[ce]BL[1224] ;W[bf]WL[1303] ;B[ec]BL[1186]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Can you hear me, Tristan? ] ;W[fc]WL[1283]C[ Tristan 17k : yes ] ;B[fd]BL[1123]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Fine. I hope these shutdowns ] ;W[fb]WL[1259]C[ NeuroGoII NR : of the server are a dream. ] ;B[ee]BL[1093] ;W[gd]WL[1237] ;B[hd]BL[1067]C[ NeuroGoII NR : This was really luck. ] ;W[ge]WL[1216]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Gogols position was much better NeuroGoII NR : before ] ;B[gb]BL[1045] ;W[ff]WL[1195] ;B[gf]BL[1022] ;W[fe]WL[1175] ;B[ed]BL[999] ;W[eg]WL[1156] ;B[fg]BL[966] ;W[ef]WL[1132] ;B[eh]BL[922] ;W[eb]WL[1111]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Was the komi not 5.5 on the ladder rules? ] ;B[dg]BL[889] ;W[df]WL[1081] ;B[dh]BL[868] ;W[cf]WL[1061] ;B[db]BL[836] ;W[bb]WL[1035] ;B[bd]BL[815] ;W[da]WL[1017] ;B[fa]BL[781] ;W[ch]WL[997] ;B[bh]BL[762] ;W[he]WL[963] ;B[ci]BL[740] ;W[hc]WL[944] ;B[hb]BL[707] ;W[id]WL[925] ;B[fh]BL[687]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Gogol played a very good ] ;W[ih]WL[901]C[ NeuroGoII NR : opening. Tristan 17k : good ] ;B[ea]BL[651]C[ Tristan 17k : joke ] ;W[if]WL[877] ;B[hh]BL[618] ;W[ab]WL[856]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Are you 3 kyu? Tristan 17k : yes and u? ] ;B[hf]BL[583]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Good joke... NeuroGoII NR : Perhaps 12-13 kyu ] ;W[ca]WL[831] ;B[bi]BL[551] ;W[ig]WL[811] ;B[ib]BL[529] ;W[hi]WL[792] ;B[gi]BL[496] ;W[ii]WL[774] ;B[ic]BL[459] ;W[ad]WL[758] ;B[hd]BL[423]C[ NeuroGoII NR : What is the weather like ] ;W[ie]WL[741]C[ NeuroGoII NR : in Paris? Tristan 17k : cloudy, and in muenchen ? ] ;B[hc]BL[390]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Same here ] ;W[ac]WL[724]C[ NeuroGoII NR : of NeuroGo... ] ;B[bg]BL[350] ;W[af]WL[706] ;B[ag]BL[322]; )