(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by IGS] CoPyright[ Copyright (c) Tim L. Casey 1994 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice. ] GN[Poka-NeuroGoII(B) IGS]RE[B+34.5] PW[Poka]WR[29k ]NW[ 3.0] PB[NeuroGoII]BR[NR ]NB[ 0.0] PC[IGS: igs.nuri.net 6969]DT[1995-03-25] SZ[9]TM[1500]KM[5.500000]LT[] ;B[gg]BL[1464] ;W[de]WL[1484] ;B[df]BL[1426] ;W[gd]WL[1473]C[ Poka 29k : Out of the opening book ... ] ;B[dd]BL[1395] ;W[cc]WL[1461] ;B[ce]BL[1373] ;W[dc]WL[1453] ;B[ge]BL[1340] ;W[hd]WL[1446] ;B[fc]BL[1311] ;W[gb]WL[1433]C[ Poka 29k : Poka will be confused by this last B move. ] ;B[ec]BL[1285] ;W[bd]WL[1425] ;B[gc]BL[1254] ;W[ch]WL[1414]C[ NeuroGoII NR : You are really fast... Poka 29k : Poka doesn't think much. :-) ] ;B[hc]BL[1230] ;W[bf]WL[1406]C[ NeuroGoII NR : :-) ] ;B[bb]BL[1195]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Attack!!! ] ;W[eh]WL[1395]C[ Poka 29k : Poka just keeps taking the "big" points. ] ;B[be]BL[1161] ;W[af]WL[1383]C[ NeuroGoII NR : must defend them :-) Poka 29k : Can't read connections. ] ;B[db]BL[1128] ;W[bc]WL[1369]C[ Poka 29k : Ouch, THAT was ugly ... ] ;B[cd]BL[1104] ;W[dg]WL[1359]C[ Poka 29k : At least ONE White group will live ... ] ;B[ac]BL[1053] ;W[hh]WL[1349]C[ NeuroGoII NR : I am not sure about black ] ;B[bg]BL[1021]C[ Poka 29k : The B7 stones are not saveable. NeuroGoII NR : B attacks too much ] ;W[bh]WL[1335] ;B[cf]BL[1000] ;W[cg]WL[1325] ;B[hg]BL[977] ;W[ag]WL[1315] ;B[fh]BL[952] ;W[ei]WL[1308]C[ Poka 29k : A5 is big now ] ;B[eg]BL[922] ;W[ff]WL[1301]C[ Poka 29k : Eye-destroying move. ] ;B[ef]BL[903]C[ Poka 29k : Poka is trying to kill now. :-) NeuroGoII NR : How well do you play Go? ] ;W[hi]WL[1280]C[ Poka 29k : AGA 3.5 dan, last I checked. ] ;B[gf]BL[874] ;W[ih]WL[1268]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Jesus. I am 12 k Poka 29k : Poka thinks one eye is alive ... :-) ] ;B[gh]BL[846] ;W[fe]WL[1255] ;B[fd]BL[815] ;W[ae]WL[1232]C[ Poka 29k : Finally! ] ;B[cb]BL[800]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Good. Poka 29k : This next move MUST be a bug ... ] ;W[ca]WL[1194] ;B[ad]BL[726] ;W[cc]WL[1185]C[ NeuroGoII NR : WinIGC does not accept my input. NeuroGoII NR : Ok. It works. Poka 29k : I'm typing by hand ... safer. ] ;B[id]BL[691] ;W[bg]WL[1167] ;B[hb]BL[665]C[ Poka 29k : Poka wanted to connect the 2-liberty group ... A2 would have been better than B3 ... and neither was really necessary. ] ;W[ga]WL[1146] ;B[ig]BL[646] ;W[he]WL[1130] ;B[gi]BL[616] ;W[ee]WL[1121] ;B[fi]BL[592] ;W[di]WL[1113]C[ Poka 29k : typo ] ;B[ii]BL[574]C[ NeuroGoII NR : You typed wrong? Poka 29k : Poka's last move was actually at D2 ... do you want to back up, or keep going? NeuroGoII NR : continue if possible ] ;W[hh]WL[1043] ;B[bi]BL[550] ;W[ah]WL[1026]C[ NeuroGoII NR : NeuroGo will do many moves like this now Poka 29k : Bizarre response ... ] ;B[ci]BL[534]C[ Poka 29k : So will Poka. ] ;W[ai]WL[1017]C[ NeuroGoII NR : :-) ] ;B[ci]BL[519] ;W[bi]WL[1011] ;B[ie]BL[501]C[ Poka 29k : At least Poka will know enough no to fill one of the remaining two eyes ... it sees that reduces the liberty count. ] ;W[ha]WL[984] ;B[fb]BL[482] ;W[ib]WL[976]C[ NeuroGoII NR : I do not know much about NeuroGo NeuroGoII NR : It learned without me :-) Poka 29k : It seems to like contact fights. ] ;B[ic]BL[431] ;W[bc]WL[968] ;B[ab]BL[408] ;W[ba]WL[958]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Likes Suicide Attacks ] ;B[ih]BL[384]C[ Poka 29k : When there's nothing else to do, yes. ] ;W[ea]WL[946] ;B[fa]BL[364] ;W[tt]WL[920] ;B[da]BL[342]C[ Poka 29k : Looks like you win unless the program kills its own groups. ] ;W[tt]WL[898]C[ NeuroGoII NR : I do not think so ] ;B[ia]BL[328] ;W[ga]WL[869] ;B[ed]BL[308] ;W[ha]WL[856] ;B[ib]BL[293] ;W[tt]WL[846] ;B[gb]BL[275]C[ Poka 29k : Poka has successfully reduced your group to only 7 or 8 eyes. :-) ] ;W[ha]WL[826] ;B[ga]BL[259] ;W[tt]WL[814] ;B[hi]BL[246]C[ Poka 29k : We didn't set up Chinese scoring ... I don't think it matters though. ] ;W[tt]WL[793]C[ NeuroGoII NR : What am I to do? ] ;B[ha]BL[218]C[ NeuroGoII NR : I do not know how to score either Poka 29k : Uh-oh, you just filled in one of your own eyes. ] ;W[tt]WL[759]C[ NeuroGoII NR : I have plenty of :-) Poka 29k : One less than before. :-) ] ;B[hf]BL[197] ;W[hd]WL[748] ;B[hh]BL[180]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Another one Poka 29k : I'm starting to get hopeful ... :-) NeuroGoII NR : NeuroGo will not fill the last two eyes Poka 29k : Are you SURE? :-) NeuroGoII NR : Let us see... ] ;W[he]WL[693] ;B[aa]BL[167] ;W[ca]WL[684] ;B[ba]BL[151] ;W[tt]WL[676]C[ NeuroGoII NR : NeuroGo will not kill everything ] ;B[tt]BL[135] ;W[tt]WL[676]C[ NeuroGoII NR : Must I type something? ]; TW[ci][dh] TB[bc][bd][ca][cc][dc][de][ea][eb][ee][fe][ff][fg][gd][hd][he][if] )