(;GM[1]FF[4]SZ[9]AP[SmartGo:1.4]CA[UTF-8] PW[viking5] PB[Orego] DT[2006-08-01] PC[The Kiseido Go Server (KGS) at http\://kgs.kiseido.com/] KM[7.5] RE[W+Resign] RU[Chinese] C[Orego [?\]\: GTP Engine for Orego (black)\: Orego (BestPlayer1/B + BestPlayer1/W) version unspecified ] ;B[ee]CR[ee] C[viking5 [?\]\: GTP Engine for viking5 (white)\: Viking version 5.3.1 ] ;W[eg]CR[eg] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: Is the komi set? zapp [?\]\: Yes mundungus [13k?\]\: Oh, 7.5, hold on, I need to restart. My program must know the correct komi or it will lose by half a point. zapp [?\]\: It is 7.5 as default zapp [?\]\: ok ] ;B[dc]CR[dc];W[ec]CR[ec] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: I'm going to quit and restart. Orego [?\]\: GTP Engine for Orego (black)\: Orego (BestPlayer1/B + BestPlayer1/W) version unspecified mundungus [13k?\]\: Did we restart the same game? zapp [?\]\: yes mundungus [13k?\]\: Okay, even better. We can continue from here. mundungus [13k?\]\: Sorry for the confusion. zapp [?\]\: Viking is playing from its fuseki library initially zapp [?\]\: Ok mundungus [13k?\]\: Your opening will be much faster and better, methinks. ] ;B[cb]CR[cb] C[zapp [?\]\: That was a unique new move! ];W[gg]CR[gg];B[dd]CR[dd] C[zapp [?\]\: Viking is now searching 3 ply ];W[gd]CR[gd] C[zapp [?\]\: But found G6 the best on all plies mundungus [13k?\]\: Orego is a Monte Carlo program, similar to Crazy Stone. zapp [?\]\: I know that much. Does it have extra go knowledge in the simulations? ] ;B[df]CR[df] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: Not really. Just "don't play in your own eyes". ] ;W[fb]CR[fb] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: On a scale of 1 (black wins) to -1 (white wins), Orego estimates the value of the current game at 0.4 ] ;B[fe]CR[fe];W[dh]CR[dh] C[zapp [?\]\: 508 for viking winning -1000 to 1000 mundungus [13k?\]\: 1000 means viking wins? zapp [?\]\: yes mundungus [13k?\]\: Orego's down to 0.18 ] ;B[ge]CR[ge] C[zapp [?\]\: It appears that Orego favors having one solid group over two groups zapp [?\]\: Viking played like that too mundungus [13k?\]\: 0.26 mundungus [13k?\]\: Yes, it likes to be connected. JacquelineGo really likes to do that, too. ] ;W[hd]CR[hd] C[zapp [?\]\: In the end of Crazystone paper there are some good stuff to improve the simulations with zapp [?\]\: Viking uses such go knowledge but to a larger extent ] ;B[he]CR[he] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: What is the basic structure of Viking? zapp [?\]\: It is alfabeta search with MC evaluation mundungus [13k?\]\: How long has it been using MC? zapp [?\]\: It started as Crazystone type program ] ;W[hb]CR[hb] C[zapp [?\]\: But my search became unstable when it got more time mundungus [13k?\]\: Are the MC games purely random, or do they include heuristics? zapp [?\]\: They include a lot of heuristics mundungus [13k?\]\: How many MC games do you complete per turn? zapp [?\]\: Viking has probably the most nonrandom simulation of all MC programs mundungus [13k?\]\: \:-) ] ;B[ie]CR[ie] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: Ooh, blunder. zapp [?\]\: But it is really messy code now zapp [?\]\: And I do not know which code actually is good or bad mundungus [13k?\]\: What language? How many games / turn? ] ;W[cg]CR[cg] C[zapp [?\]\: Delphi (object Pascal) mundungus [13k?\]\: Orego is in Java and does 100,000 MC runs (from root) per turn. zapp [?\]\: It makes 852 Simulations a second zapp [?\]\: And evals 4.6 positions a second ] ;B[ce]CR[ce] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: Well, that move was a bit meek. mundungus [13k?\]\: Orego still says 0.332. mundungus [13k?\]\: What does viking think? zapp [?\]\: 740 which means Viking is completely sure of victory ] ;W[id]CR[id] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: I fear Viking's opinion is closer to correct. zapp [?\]\: Yes Orego thinks the white stones are too losely connected and can often be killed in the simulations mundungus [13k?\]\: That may well be it. ] ;B[fd]CR[fd] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: Orego could get away with h2, right? ];W[fc]CR[fc] C[zapp [?\]\: Yes, this actually a tesuji Viking expects Orego to play mundungus [13k?\]\: Are you maximizing score or probability of winning? zapp [?\]\: Prob of winning mundungus [13k?\]\: Same here. zapp [?\]\: Once you try you cannot go back \:) ] ;B[bf]CR[bf] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: 0.293 zapp [?\]\: I guess the next move by viking will lower your score because it will be ultra safe ] ;W[fh]CR[fh] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: 0.275 zapp [?\]\: I was wrong. ];B[gc]CR[gc] C[zapp [?\]\: But perhaps Orego still all the diagonal connections as weak mundungus [13k?\]\: Orego often seems to make pointless forcing moves like this. ] ;W[gb]CR[gb] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: Maybe it sees them as good because they push the evaluation farther down the tree, so it can't see that it's going to lose. mundungus [13k?\]\: 0.426! zapp [?\]\: It may also be the horizon effect mundungus [13k?\]\: Effectively, yes. There is no horizon per se, but there is ... fog. ] ;B[dg]CR[dg] C[zapp [?\]\: Viking simulations handles basic tactics well ];W[bg]CR[bg] C[zapp [?\]\: I guess in Oregos simulations the white stones at J6 are often captured mundungus [13k?\]\: 0.188 mundungus [13k?\]\: Time for Orego to get clever. \:-) zapp [?\]\: This might explain why it found G7 effective zapp [?\]\: Had white replied at H7 the score would not have risen maybee ] ;B[bh]CR[bh] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: Nice! mundungus [13k?\]\: Doesn't quite work, but nice. ] ;W[ch]CR[ch] C[zapp [?\]\: Yes, this what I like most with MC go zapp [?\]\: Sometimes there are some really nice things happening ] ;B[eb]CR[eb] C[zapp [?\]\: Viking now searches 4 ply mundungus [13k?\]\: It increases as the number of moves decreases? zapp [?\]\: Yes zapp [?\]\: Also more moves are so bad so they need less simulations to cut off in search ] ;W[af]CR[af] C[zapp [?\]\: It also depends on the position. Last move was 3 ply ];B[db] CR[db] C[zapp [?\]\: Before the move at C2 was obvious so all effort went into that variation ] ;W[fa]CR[fa] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: Yeah, that's odd. zapp [?\]\: Now Viking plays faster because eval is more than 900 mundungus [13k?\]\: Now 0.069 -- Orego knows it's in trouble. ] ;B[fg]CR[fg] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: What kind of nonsense is that? ];W[hh]CR[hh] C[zapp [?\]\: I think Orego creates cutting points, or tried to push the horizon with a small sacrifice ] ;B[cf]CR[cf] C[zapp [?\]\: Also if it cannot find a winning move it will start to play almost random zapp [?\]\: Thats my experience of viking ] ;W[ef]CR[ef] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: Same here. mundungus [13k?\]\: -0.023, Orego now knows it is behind. zapp [?\]\: I implemented resignation to save me some embarrassment ] ;B[ig]CR[ig] C[zapp [?\]\: Still it plays weird when it is winning as well but that is difficult to hide. mundungus [13k?\]\: Same here. ] ;W[ff]CR[ff] C[zapp [?\]\: I have a trick were I give more weight to points that are not clearly white or black. zapp [?\]\: So it plays a more normal end game mundungus [13k?\]\: Yes, I think Coulom called this the territory heuristic. mundungus [13k?\]\: We'll probably implement that at some point. ] ;B[ci]CR[ci] C[zapp [?\]\: Yes that is useful. zapp [?\]\: For me it also helps move ordering zapp [?\]\: Which is very important for alphabeta search ] ;W[di]CR[di];B[bi]CR[bi];W[ad]CR[ad] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: We're thinking of switching to C++ for speed. ];B[hc] CR[hc];W[ic]CR[ic] C[zapp [?\]\: I have a new version written from scratch called Valkyria mundungus [13k?\]\: That dropped us from -0.28 o -0.52 zapp [?\]\: But it has no heurstic yet ] ;B[bb]CR[bb] C[zapp [?\]\: Yes. Now the white stones have more liberties. ];W[ea]CR[ea] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: Has Viking played against Crazy Stone? zapp [?\]\: For viking those stones were unconditionally alive in the simulations zapp [?\]\: I am running a test with 60s thinking time right now on my laptop home ] ;B[gf]CR[gf] C[zapp [?\]\: I think the programs are close in strength with the same harware ] ;W[ae]CR[ae] C[zapp [?\]\: Both programs search very efftively and gain a lot from more CPU mundungus [13k?\]\: *nod* zapp [?\]\: Also Viking is slow for what it does. zapp [?\]\: Thats why I rewrote Valkyria from scratch. ] ;B[ib]CR[ib];W[hg]CR[hg] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: Orego is now playing the "Look, a monkey!" strategy, hoping Viking isn't paying attention. zapp [?\]\: But this exactly what Viking expects... ] ;B[hc]CR[hc];W[gc]CR[gc] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: Orego still gives -0.45. Not sure why it's so high. ] ;B[fi]CR[fi] C[zapp [?\]\: E3 has only two liberties ];W[gi]CR[gi] C[zapp [?\]\: So by chance where is a 25% chance that black plays both zapp [?\]\: And then black wins mundungus [13k?\]\: Yes, or slightly less if white get e1 first. mundungus [13k?\]\: Noe -0.71 mundungus [13k?\]\: /Now ] ;B[ha]CR[ha];W[ih]CR[ih];B[ed]CR[ed];W[bc]CR[bc] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: Orego thought b7 was a really bad move\: -0.31 zapp [?\]\: Note that the upper group can also be killed in completely random simulation ] ;B[eh]CR[eh] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: Yes. ];W[fg]CR[fg] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: Orego was expecting e1, and may try a3 next. ];B[da] CR[da];W[ab]CR[ab] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: Some sort of tactical decomposition is in order. ] ;B[ga]CR[ga];W[ia]CR[ia] C[mundungus [13k?\]\: That moved us from -0.35 to -0.72 zapp [?\]\: I fear we might get a superko problem in the upper right mundungus [13k?\]\: Does Viking handle superko? zapp [?\]\: Yes, now it finally does it correctly. mundungus [13k?\]\: Hmm, something very strange is happening. zapp [?\]\: It just situational in stead of positional super ko for some reason I do not remember. mundungus [13k?\]\: I think Orego may have crashed. mundungus [13k?\]\: The processor load just dropped precipitously. mundungus [13k?\]\: Let me try restarting... zapp [?\]\: Ok Orego [?\]\: GTP Engine for Orego (black)\: Orego (BestPlayer1/B + BestPlayer1/W) version unspecified mundungus [13k?\]\: Okay, now we're crunching numbers again. mundungus [13k?\]\: Hmm, dropped off again. mundungus [13k?\]\: Well, in any case, it's clear that Viking has won this game. I' mundungus [13k?\]\: ll resign on Orego's behalf. mundungus [13k?\]\: Good game, and congratulations. zapp [?\]\: Ok, thanks for the game! mundungus [13k?\]\: As the winner, would you like to report the result to the ladder? zapp [?\]\: I could do so so. mundungus [13k?\]\: Thanks. I find it somewhat satisfying that the first program able to stop Orego was another MC program. It seems a very promising line of research. zapp [?\]\: Yes, I was amazed by the progress I did in a few months mundungus [13k?\]\: Are you participating in the KGS tournament this weekend? zapp [?\]\: Still making it work well on 19x19 is hard work mundungus [13k?\]\: (yes) zapp [?\]\: Probably mundungus [13k?\]\: Okay, I'll see you there. zapp [?\]\: See you Xrillo [-\]\: börjat jobba med viking igen? ] )