(;GM[1]FF[3] US[Brought to you by IGS] CP[ Copyright (c) NKB, Inc. 1998 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice. ] GN[ManyFaces(W)-GoAhead(B) IGS] RE[B+18.5] PW[ManyFaces] WR[18k*]NW[ 14] PB[GoAhead] BR[19k ]NB[ 13]PC[IGS: igs.joyjoy.net 6969] DT[2002-05-09] SZ[19]TM[2700]KM[0.5]LT[] C[ GoAhead 19k : This is the second official computer go ladder game GoAhead 19k : The Manyfaces of Go - GoAhead v4.5 GoAhead 19k : GoAhead (3rd place) tries to reduce handicap distance GoAhead 19k : to ManyFaces (2nd place) from 1-2 to 0 GoAhead 19k : timelimits 45min+15/25 byoyomi GoAhead 19k : komi 0.5 ] ;B[pp]BL[2620];W[dq]WL[2700];B[qd]BL[2478];W[dc]WL[2700];B[od]BL[2456] ;W[qj]WL[2700];B[co]BL[2431];W[cm]WL[2696];B[dm]BL[2424];W[cl]WL[2687] ;B[dl]BL[2401] C[ GoAhead 19k : GA out of joseki book after Wc8 - help! ];W[dk] WL[2670];B[cn]BL[2394];W[cq]WL[2661];B[ck]BL[2372];W[nq]WL[2642];B[bl] BL[2363] C[ GoAhead 19k : typical computer error: killing what is already dead ] ;W[qn]WL[2633];B[oo]BL[2356];W[ce]WL[2624];B[jc]BL[2346];W[qg]WL[2616] ;B[iq]BL[2333];W[gc]WL[2605];B[fq]BL[2323];W[kq]WL[2594] C[ GoAhead 19k : both programs play big moves ];B[io]BL[2313];W[er] WL[2584];B[fr]BL[2306];W[ap]WL[2573]C[ GoAhead 19k : fancy move ]; B[oq]BL[2285];W[np]WL[2560];B[qo]BL[2280];W[pn]WL[2548];B[op]BL[2272]; W[no]WL[2542];B[on]BL[2268];W[mm]WL[2538];B[om]BL[2258];W[rm]WL[2531]; B[km]BL[2248];W[mk]WL[2518];B[je]BL[2239];W[jr]WL[2503];B[ir]BL[2233]; W[ok]WL[2489];B[jh]BL[2224] C[ GoAhead 19k : dangerous concerning the LR corner ];W[nr]WL[2480]; B[or]BL[2213];W[qr]WL[2469] C[ GoAhead 19k : o2=aji keshi concerning W invasion r3 ];B[qq] BL[2194];W[sr]WL[2460];B[ql]BL[2186]C[ GoAhead 19k : oops ];W[rl] WL[2443];B[pm]BL[2165];W[pr]WL[2437];B[os]BL[2035];W[ns]WL[2428] C[ GoAhead 19k : oops Ws3 and W connects or is alive. ];B[rq] BL[1967];W[ro]WL[2423];B[rr]BL[1918];W[dh]WL[2420];B[dj]BL[1909];W[lc] WL[2416] C[ GoAhead 19k : W behind - so White's invasion appropriate ];B[me] BL[1900];W[ob]WL[2407];B[nb]BL[1862] C[ GoAhead 19k : Bo18 makes it too easy for W ];W[nc]WL[2386];B[oc] BL[1855];W[mb]WL[2368];B[pb]BL[1849];W[kb]WL[2353] C[ GoAhead 19k : yes , good timing! ];B[oa]BL[1811];W[jb]WL[2336]; B[he]BL[1799];W[ek]WL[2316];B[cj]BL[1789];W[hg]WL[2313] C[ GoAhead 19k : B is thin is this area ];B[hi]BL[1750];W[ej] WL[2298];B[ic]BL[1728];W[fg]WL[2287] C[ GoAhead 19k : Wf13 dangerous ];B[ib]BL[1684] C[ GoAhead 19k : yes. ];W[fe]WL[2275];B[og]BL[1668];W[di]WL[2262] C[ GoAhead 19k : let's do the life&death later! ];B[pf]BL[1597]; W[ik]WL[2249];B[gb]BL[1582];W[kk]WL[2232];B[qf]BL[1563];W[ph]WL[2212] C[ GoAhead 19k : both computers play different games - well, this is computer go! ] ;B[jj]BL[1534];W[kj]WL[2195];B[jk]BL[1523];W[jl]WL[2178];B[ig]BL[1510] C[ GoAhead 19k : A new feature of GoAhead - he tries to stabilize his connections GoAhead 19k : with j13 and earlier p13 and q14 ] ;W[jm]WL[2160];B[kn]BL[1494];W[kl]WL[2128];B[jn]BL[1477];W[fb]WL[2109] C[ GoAhead 19k : black's center distroyed ];B[hc]BL[1424];W[gk] WL[2096] C[ GoAhead 19k : GoAhead's score is B+12, with upper W group being "unclear" ] ;B[gd]BL[1347];W[fc]WL[2083];B[bh]BL[1324];W[gm]WL[2069];B[fo]BL[1311] ;W[is]WL[2050] C[ GoAhead 19k : GA cannot read out L&D of upper W group - so plays elsewhere GoAhead 19k : Wj1 is not sente ] ;B[gn]BL[1253]C[ GoAhead 19k : hm ];W[ji]WL[2028];B[ij]BL[1244]; W[kh]WL[2010]C[ GoAhead 19k : yeah - Wk11 / Sl11 was big ];B[ih] BL[1196];W[kg]WL[1987];B[rg]BL[1151]C[ GoAhead 19k : dangerous ]; W[ke]WL[1963]C[ GoAhead 19k : help! ];B[kd]BL[1144];W[jf]WL[1938]; B[if]BL[1089];W[ld]WL[1918] C[ GoAhead 19k : very close decision between Bj14 (value=93) and m16(value=92) ] ;B[le]BL[1072];W[rh]WL[1891];B[nd]BL[1063] C[ GoAhead 19k : L&D calculation ];W[ha]WL[1875] C[ GoAhead 19k : GA has read out L&D now GoAhead 19k : score is B+22 ] ;B[ia]BL[1014];W[kf]WL[1862];B[ga]BL[1005];W[fa]WL[1848];B[hb]BL[999]; W[fm]WL[1833];B[en]BL[952];W[hf]WL[1828];B[gf]BL[944];W[gg]WL[1822]; B[ge]BL[926];W[id]WL[1817];B[jd]BL[903];W[ie]WL[1812] C[ GoAhead 19k : brilliant - no eyes this way GoAhead 19k : GA doesn't see the trouble ] ;B[hs]BL[806];W[ja]WL[1803];B[la]BL[800];W[fd]WL[1795];B[ma]BL[793]; W[ff]WL[1793];B[hd]BL[785];W[fs]WL[1791];B[gs]BL[755];W[es]WL[1789] C[ GoAhead 19k : GA considers uppers side as semiai now - but is in local answering mode ] ;B[hm]BL[724];W[js]WL[1788];B[jq]BL[701];W[kr]WL[1782];B[hh]BL[606] C[ GoAhead 19k : strange move: GA played h12, because he wanted to keep a GoAhead 19k : special position evaluation bonus for "probably won semiai" GoAhead 19k : Other moves had killed the W group - thereby loosing the bonus! ] ;W[ci]WL[1781];B[bi]BL[598];W[rf]WL[1780];B[re]BL[574];W[sg]WL[1779]; B[kc]BL[566];W[ni]WL[1778] C[ GoAhead 19k : the usual trouble - B looses time ];B[bf]BL[503]; W[be]WL[1777];B[cg]BL[493];W[dg]WL[1776];B[qk]BL[456];W[rk]WL[1773]; B[rp]BL[411];W[mg]WL[1772];B[so]BL[371];W[rn]WL[1771];B[sn]BL[336]; W[nf]WL[1770];B[ae]BL[256];W[ad]WL[1769];B[af]BL[241];W[bc]WL[1768]; B[lp]BL[216];W[mo]WL[1766];B[pk]BL[185];W[pj]WL[1765];B[ol]BL[143]; W[nl]WL[1764];B[qs]BL[121];W[kp]WL[1763] C[ GoAhead 19k : Br1 was another L&D calculation ];B[lo]BL[83];W[hl] WL[1762];B[im]BL[67];W[il]WL[1761];B[md]BL[45] C[ GoAhead 19k : oops ];W[cf]WL[1760]C[ ];B[nh]BL[17];W[mh]WL[1759]; B[gj]BL[895];W[fi]WL[1758];B[el]BL[869];W[jp]WL[1753];B[ip]BL[855]; W[fn]WL[1750];B[hn]BL[847];W[of]WL[1746];B[pg]BL[841];W[oe]WL[1742]; B[oh]BL[817];W[pe]WL[1739];B[qe]BL[811];W[ch]WL[1735];B[bg]BL[806]; W[pd]WL[1734];B[eq]BL[788];W[cr]WL[1731];B[dp]BL[752];W[pc]WL[1727]; B[qc]BL[728];W[pi]WL[1726];B[oi]BL[689];W[oj]WL[1725];B[lq]BL[669]; W[lr]WL[1724];B[fl]BL[650];W[gl]WL[1723];B[fk]BL[644];W[sm]WL[1722]; B[sp]BL[635];W[ll]WL[1721];B[gh]BL[618];W[fh]WL[1721];B[lf]BL[606]; W[bp]WL[1720];B[lg]BL[584];W[lh]WL[1719];B[ln]BL[577];W[mn]WL[1719]; B[mq]BL[568];W[an]WL[1719];B[bm]BL[561];W[se]WL[1718];B[sd]BL[547]; W[sf]WL[1717];B[fj]BL[538];W[qm]WL[1717];B[pl]BL[531];W[ei]WL[1716]; B[mr]BL[894];W[ms]WL[1716];B[bo]BL[888];W[ao]WL[1716];B[am]BL[881]; W[ng]WL[1716];B[sc]BL[872] C[ GoAhead 19k : GA avoided the last trap ];W[po]WL[1716];B[qp] BL[866];W[ki]WL[1716];B[bn]BL[860];W[cp]WL[1716];B[lm]BL[854];W[nm] WL[1716];B[ko]BL[849];W[mp]WL[1716];B[jo]BL[844];W[hr]WL[1716];B[gr] BL[839];W[ls]WL[1716];B[eo]BL[828];W[em]WL[1716];B[nn]BL[823];W[ne] WL[1716];B[jg]BL[816];W[mf]WL[1716];B[gi]BL[810];W[hk]WL[1716];B[ii] BL[806];W[hj]WL[1716];B[tt]BL[800];W[tt]WL[1716];B[tt]BL[800] C[Black wins by 18.5 points. B won this game via life&death. Manyfaces failed to kill the B's LR corner and failed to save his upper group. Several joseki problems to be fixed here. yose was roughly equal. ] ; TW[aa][ba][ca][da][ea][ab][bb][cb][db][eb][ac][cc][ec][bd][cd][dd][ed][de][ee][df][ef][eg][rg][eh][qh][sh][li][mi][qi][ri][si][lj][mj][nj][rj][sj][lk][nk][sk][ml][sl][aq][bq][ar][br][dr][as][bs][cs][ds][ks] TB[ha][ja][ka][na][pa][qa][ra][sa][jb][kb][lb][mb][ob][qb][rb][sb][lc][mc][nc][rc][id][ld][rd][ie][ag][ah][ai][aj][bj][ak][bk][al][cl][cm][dn][in][do][go][ho][ep][fp][gp][hp][gq][hq][pq][sq][hr][pr][qr][sr][ps][rs][ss] C[The game is over. Final score: White = 51 territory + 1 captures + 0.5 komi = 52.5 Black = 54 territory + 17 captures = 71 Black wins by 18.5. total time consumption black : 20min+39sec on internal clock total time consumption white + move sending and manual move input: ~31min ] )