(;GM[1]FF[3] RU[Japanese] SO[] EV[] PC[NNGS] RE[W wins through resignation] BR[]WR[]CP[]SZ[9]HA[0]KM[5.5] PW[GNU Go 2.7.204] PB[Poka] GN[Computer go ladder game] DT[2000-12-30] SY[Cgoban 1.9.2]TM[30:00(5x30:00)] C[This game was played on dec 30th between Poka and GNU Go version 2.7.204 GNU Go won comfortably with 60.5 against 6 (54.5 points), but not without a debacle. ] ;B[df]BL[1800];W[ed]WL[1800]C[GNU Go plays a library move. ];B[he] BL[1800] C[Poka is a very moyo oriented program. This doesn't go very well with the narrow boundaries of 9x9 go. Poka also has a tendency to play on the second row. ] ;W[cd]WL[1800];B[gc]BL[1800];W[bf]WL[1800] C[Another way of playing would be E4 or F4 and try to win by splitting black. This would probably be a good way to play against Poka who is not strong at fighting or life and death, but GNU Go currently has no value on splitting moves. ] ;B[bb]BL[1800]C[A probe. F3 would probably be a much better move. ]; W[cg]WL[1800] C[This is labeled as a "less urgent joseki move", which GNU Go gives a minimum value of 22. Probably josekis should be disabled at board size 9. But GNU Go is lucky! This is actually a good move. B8 could possibly escape at E8, but this lets white play E4 or F4 which gives him a big lead. ] ;B[eh]BL[1800]C[OK, but D3 would probably be better. ];W[cb]WL[1800] C[Kills the corner finally, but is small. The correct move in this area is probably F8. ] ;B[gg]BL[1800] C[Also small. F5 would be the move to make territory here. ];W[dh] WL[1800]C[F8 is much bigger. ];B[ei]BL[1800];W[fc]WL[1800] C[At this point, the game is probably already won. ];B[gb]BL[1800]; W[fb]WL[1800];B[di]BL[1800];W[gd]WL[1800];B[ga]BL[1800] C[If not before, this seals blacks fate. H6 was necessary. ];W[hd] WL[1800]C[And now the game is definitely won. ];B[hc]BL[1800];W[id] WL[1800];B[ic]BL[1800];W[ci]WL[1800];B[dg]BL[1800];W[ch]WL[1800];B[bh] BL[1800]C[Desperate. ];W[ie]WL[1800];B[ig]BL[1800] C[A better defense would be H4. ];W[hf]WL[1800];B[hg]BL[1800];W[ge] WL[1800];B[ef]BL[1800];W[ff]WL[1800];B[fg]BL[1800];W[gf]WL[1800];B[fd] BL[1800];W[ee]WL[1800];B[de]BL[1800];W[ce]WL[1800];B[dd]BL[1800];W[bc] WL[1800]LB[ec:A] C[This is a very bad move for white. Black can play E4 (A) and win handsomely (see the variations). The only move is of course D7 which protects all cutting points. Why does GNU Go play B7? Well, it thinks that B8 can live at B7 (which of course is ridiculous) and it doesn't analyze the consequences of E7 far enough. ] (;B[fa]BL[1800] C[But Poka doesn't see E7 either. GNU Go would have played E7 here. ]; W[ec]WL[1800] C[This move saves everything, but it still lets black enter the white territory at D7. ] ;B[ah]BL[1800]C[What? ];W[dc]WL[1800]C[ ];B[eg]BL[1800];W[cf]WL[1800] C[The last obvious point. ];B[bi]BL[1800];W[if]WL[1800];B[ea]BL[1800] C[Black misses the big seki in the lower right corner that is worth 7 points. The current eye space is 8 points big, but black will have to play one stone in the eye to save the rest. See the variation. ] (;W[tt]WL[1800] C[But GNU Go also misses it. That is probably due to a bug since this pattern is known go GNU Go. The authors will have to look into that. ] ;B[eb]BL[1800];W[tt]WL[1800];B[ab]BL[1800];W[tt]WL[1800];B[ca]BL[1800] ;W[ba]WL[1800] C[This throw-in is necessary to prevent black from getting two eyes. ] ;B[da]BL[1800];W[ac]WL[1800] C[This move is completely unnecessary since black can run noway and white is completely connected. So why is it done? For one reason, GNU Go thinks that it defends B9 which of course is bogus since B9 is of no worth by itself. ] ;B[ag]BL[1800];W[tt]WL[1799];B[af]BL[1800];W[tt]WL[1799];B[ae]BL[1800] ;W[tt]WL[1799];B[be]BL[1800];W[tt]WL[1799];B[gi]BL[1800] C[Here Poka saves its corner territory. But it probably isn't aware of it. ] ;W[tt]WL[1799];B[hh]BL[1800];W[tt]WL[1800];B[ia]BL[1800];W[hb]WL[1800] ;B[db] C[At this time GNU Go crashed! But the author of Poka was gracious enough to resign anyhow since the position is clearly one-sided. (The bug has since been fixed.) ]) (;W[gh];B[hi];W[hh] (;B[gi];W[ih];B[fi]C[Seki. All black points are gone. ]) (;B[ih];W[gi] C[This is a very dangerous ko for black. Therefore the seki is probably better. In this case there are hardly any ko threats so the result is easy to imagine. ]) ) ) (;B[ec] (;W[fe];B[eb];W[fa];B[ea]C[A catastrophe for white. ]) (;W[eb];B[fe];W[dc];B[ed];W[fa]C[Black wins 34-29.5 ]) ) )