(;GM[1]FF[3] RU[Japanese] RE[] BR[]WR[]CP[]SZ[9]HA[0]KM[5.5] PW[Gnu Go 2.7.180] PB[The Turtle] GN[Computer go ladder game between GNU Go and The Turtle] DT[2000-10-18] SY[Cgoban 1.9.10]TM[60:00(25:00)];B[ee]BL[2400];W[ed]WL[2400] C[This move was taken out of a fuseki database generated from games where the winners are 5 kyu or above and the losers are 10 kyu or above. ] ;B[hh]BL[2400]C[Unorthodox move from the Turtle ];W[gd]WL[2400];B[bg] BL[2400];W[cd]WL[2400];B[ge]BL[2400];W[he]WL[2400]LB[de:A][fe:B][hd:C] C[A, B or C were the other points considered by Gnu Go. ];B[cb] BL[2400];W[bc]WL[2400]C[This move kills C8 according to Gnu Go. ]; B[fb]BL[2400];W[be]WL[2400]LB[de:A] C[This move is thought to strategically defend C6 and B7. The second highest valued move was at A. No real attacks on C8/F8 were considered. ] ;B[hb]BL[2400];W[fe]WL[2400];B[fg]BL[2400];W[ef]WL[2400] C[This move captures E5. Gnu go beleives that it has a value of 20(!) since it also defends the G6/H5 stones. ] ;B[dg]BL[2400] C[A good move from the Turtle. Now it looks as if Gnu Go will be squeezed in the middle between two edges. ] ;W[gf]WL[2400]LB[bb:A] C[The perceived value of G4 was 11 points. The second best move according to Gnu Go was A with value 10. Of course A is a bigger threat than G4, so it would have been better. However, Gnu Go doesn't value followup moves correctly yet so the full value of a threat is never realized. ] ;B[de]BL[2400]C[Futile. ];W[df]WL[2400] C[This exchange strenghens white. ];B[cf]BL[2400];W[ff]WL[2400] C[An OK move, but E3 would have been better since black cannot cut at F4 and hope to capture D4. ] ;B[dc]BL[2400] C[This strengthens blacks upper side. The cut starting at A instead of D7 leads to interesting complications. ] LB[dd:A];W[dd]WL[2400]LB[ad:A] C[The only move. Interestingly enough, however, Gnu go values A almost exactly as hi as D6 since both moves defend the C6 group. ] ;B[bb]BL[2400] C[E3 (A) was the only move here. Now blacks position starts to crumble. Gnu go would have played A in this position. ] LB[eg:A];W[eg]WL[2400];B[eh]BL[2400];W[dh]WL[2400]LB[fh:A] C[Gnu go values the left side to 28 points and the right side at A to 26 points. ] ;B[di]BL[2400]C[ ];W[fh]WL[2400]LB[ch:A] C[A mistake. C2 (A in the diagram) would have been better since it finishes off the corner once and for all. ] ;B[ch]BL[2400];W[gg]WL[2400];B[if]BL[2400] C[the Turtle is optimistic, probably due to bad life & death analyze. ] ;W[ce]WL[2400] C[This move is ok, but severely overvalued. Gnu go thinks it is worth 10 points because it defends the big group as well as captures the two stones. A better move, also capturing the stones would have been B4 (A) creating a false eye at C3. ] LB[bf:A];B[ad]BL[2400]C[Strange. ];W[bf]WL[2400]C[ ];B[hd]BL[2400] C[This is even more strange, throwing a stone to the wolves. ];W[ie] WL[2400] C[The correct move here would be H7. But Gnu go beleives that J5 has an effect on J4 as well, thus valueing J5 at 15 points and H7 at merely 6. It also beleives that H6 is connected to H8. which is a real bug since it can be easily captured. ] ;B[cc]BL[2400];W[ac]WL[2400];B[ab]BL[2400];W[bd]WL[2400];B[hg]BL[2400] ;W[cg]WL[2400];B[gh]BL[2400];W[bh]WL[2400] C[This looks strange since black can connect at F1. However, the connection isn't as good as it looks. (see variation). ] (;B[cf]BL[2400];W[fi]WL[2400]C[The only move ];B[ag]BL[2400] C[Wrong! Now black dies. The correct move was B1 (A) which lives. Gnu go would have played B1 in this position. ] LB[bi:A];W[bi]WL[2400] C[A beautiful killing move. It makes miai of E1 and C1. ];B[ah] BL[2400];W[ei]WL[2400];B[ec]BL[2400] C[This is a severe mistake. G1 is sente, and followed by J1, the black lower right corner suddenly springs to life. Gnu go doesn't see this either since it has no notion of how to build eyes in sente yet. ] ;W[dh]WL[2400] C[Correct given that this removes the threat of life in the lower right. However, as explained earlier, Gnu go has no idea that there is a threat. So this is actually a mistake in the life & death reading. The reason for this bug is that the black group in the lower left is not seen as a connected group because of all the threats and dead stones lying around and disturbing the picture. Gnu go doesn't understand that all the black stones die together. ] ;B[ai]BL[2400]C[...and neither does the Turtle, it seems. ];W[hc] WL[2400] C[This move is valued 4, i.e. only the direct value of the captured stone. The followup value is not taken into account, although that seems to be at least as much. ] ;B[gc]BL[2400];W[id]WL[2400];B[cg]BL[2400] C[This move starts a sequence of unnecessary moves from both sides. ]; W[ci]WL[2400];B[di]BL[2400];W[ci]WL[2400];B[ic]BL[2400]C[a bug? ]; W[ib]WL[2400];B[ia]BL[2400];W[ic]WL[2400] C[Strangely enough, H9 is not even considered. There is probably another bug lurking there. ] ;B[ha]BL[2400];W[fd]WL[2400];B[hf]BL[2400]C[Futile. ];W[gi]WL[2400]; B[fc]BL[2400];W[tt]WL[2400];B[af]BL[2400];W[tt]WL[2400];B[ih]BL[2400]; W[hi]WL[2400];B[bi]BL[2400];W[ae]WL[2400] C[A5 and D1 are both valued at slightly more than 3 points. Neither move is actually necessary. ] ;B[di]BL[2400];W[eh]WL[2400];B[tt]BL[2357];W[tt]WL[2400] C[The game is over. Final score: White = 27 territory + 28 captures + 5.5 komi = 60.5 Black = 10 territory + 6 captures = 16 White wins by 44.5. ] TW[ad][hd][de][ee][ge][af][cf][hf][if][ag][bg][cg][dg][fg][hg][ig][ah][bh][ch][gh][hh][ih][ai][bi][ci][di][ii] TB[aa][ba][ca][da][ea][fa][ga][db][eb][gb]) (;B[fi];W[dh];B[fg];W[ci];B[hf];W[ei];B[fh] C[Black lives, but with very little territory. The left side is completely erased. ])