(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by No Name Go Server] CoPyright[ This game was played on the No Name Go Server Permission to reproduce this game is given.] GN[escargo-neurogo(B) NNGS] EV[None] RE[B+32.5] PW[escargo]WR[NR ] PB[neurogo]BR[NR ] PC[NNGS Worldwide: nngs.cosmic.org 9696] DT[2000-10-07] SZ[19]TM[900]KM[5.5] ;B[cq]C[ neurogo NR : are you there? neurogo NR : i am not sure if i can do it in 1 hour, i must type by hand ] ;W[pc]C[ gunnar started observation. ] ;B[cc]C[ neurogo NR : is escargo a new program? ] ;W[qp]C[ neurogo NR : is it the same indigo as at our last match? ] ;B[qf]C[ neurogo NR : how much? ] ;W[op];B[nc]C[ neurogo NR : great ] ;W[hc]C[ neurogo NR : yes the last match against neurogo had a terrible outcome ] ;B[qc];W[qj]C[ neurogo NR : yes. it is the very 1st version i entered the ladder with. there exists a 2nd version but it is not much stronger ] ;B[pd];W[ci]C[ neurogo NR : not a lot. sometimes i read a paper or figure out an idea ] ;B[fc]C[ neurogo NR : a programmer :-) ] ;W[dp]C[ neurogo NR : small games and multimedia shows mixed with real-time 3d ] ;B[eq];W[jp]C[ neurogo NR : not more than go programming :-) some maths and more visual feedback ] ;B[jc];W[dq];B[dr];W[pb];B[do];W[cp];B[co]C[ neurogo NR : does it work? ] ;W[bp];B[bq]C[ neurogo NR : killing something? ] ;W[ep];B[fp]C[ neurogo NR : i do not either ] ;W[eo];B[fq];W[gn];B[bo];W[ap]C[ neurogo NR : good move ] ;B[en];W[fo];B[cl];W[ao];B[qb];W[aq];B[cr];W[ar];B[cg];W[bn];B[cm];W[cn]C[ neurogo NR : is c2 not dead? ] ;B[dn];W[bm];B[el];W[bl];B[bk];W[ck];B[dk];W[bj]C[ neurogo NR : yes it was atari ] ;B[cj];W[ak];B[ck];W[bi]C[ neurogo NR : did you write any new papers on computer go? ] ;B[di];W[hp]C[ neurogo NR : yes it looks quite strong now ] ;B[bh]C[ neurogo NR : c2 is still weak ] ;W[gr];B[he];W[fr];B[er];W[gd];B[hr];W[gq];B[gc];W[hd];B[ge];W[fd]C[ neurogo NR : do you think there is a progress in computer go the last time? ] ;B[ec];W[dh]C[ neurogo NR : goem==? ] ;B[ch];W[ei]C[ neurogo NR : i see ] ;B[dj];W[aj];B[fi];W[eh];B[fh];W[ej];B[fj];W[gp]C[ neurogo NR : its score is +19.40 ] ;B[eg];W[hb];B[lg];W[id]C[ neurogo NR : yes it strenghtens a lot of territory ] ;B[lc];W[ed]C[ neurogo NR : i thought it was dead before m13 ] ;B[ce];W[dd];B[dc];W[cd];B[bd];W[gb]C[ neurogo NR : neurogo thinks its value is 0.30 on a scale -1..+1 ] ;B[jf]C[ neurogo NR : +1 means alive -1 means dead ] ;W[jd];B[jb]C[ neurogo NR : now 0.16 ] ;W[kd];B[me];W[kc];B[kb]C[ neurogo NR : 0.10 now ] ;W[kf];B[kg]C[ neurogo NR : no not as long as there are so many liberties of first and 2nd order ] ;W[fb];B[cb];W[eb];B[bc];W[ke];B[ie];W[ir];B[de];W[ef];B[fg];W[ff];B[ee] ;W[fe];B[hg];W[gf];B[hf];W[df];B[cf];W[dg]C[ neurogo NR : g8 neurogo NR : sorry :-) ] ;B[gl];W[gg];B[hi]C[ neurogo NR : neurogo's source code is in a terrible state, i cannot change anything without introducing a lot of bugs ] ;W[gh];B[hh];W[gi]C[ neurogo NR : bigger but not stronger :) ] ;B[gj]C[ neurogo NR : neurogo's estimate is +0.14 for the group ] ;W[hs];B[ek]C[ neurogo NR : now it is 0.00 for the group ] ;W[od]C[ neurogo NR : neurogo does not know if the area around g19 is worth 1,1.5 or 2 eyes ] ;B[nd]C[ neurogo NR : now -0.06 negative neurogo NR : what status does indigo assign to the group? ] ;W[oc];B[oe];W[pe];B[qd];W[pf];B[nf];W[pg];B[qg];W[qe];B[re];W[ng];B[ph] ;W[lf];B[mf];W[mg];B[og];W[mh];B[of];W[hj];B[ki];W[hk];B[gk];W[kk];B[hl] ;W[ik];B[mi];W[lh];B[kh];W[ii];B[jk];W[jj];B[jl];W[kj];B[li];W[il];B[im] ;W[ij];B[kl];W[hm];B[lk];W[jm];B[ih]C[ neurogo NR : oops ] ;W[in];B[fn];W[oi];B[go]C[ neurogo NR : hmmmm... gunnar 3k : G5 had better be a bug. (179) ] ;W[nh];B[oj];W[pi];B[pj];W[qi];B[ni];W[oh];B[qk];W[rk];B[rl];W[rj];B[qh]C[ neurogo NR : what about white r8? ] ;W[ql];B[qm];W[pk];B[pl];W[qk];B[ok];W[rm];B[pm];W[rn];B[sl];W[ll];B[lm] ;W[km];B[gm];W[hn];B[ml];W[kl];B[db];W[ln];B[mm];W[mk];B[lj];W[nm];B[nl] ;W[mn];B[jg];W[nn];B[ji];W[ea];B[ah];W[al];B[es];W[ld];B[mc];W[po];B[io] ;W[jo];B[si];W[sk];B[ri];W[sm];B[qn];W[ro];B[le];W[on];B[mr];W[ob];B[or] ;W[nb]C[ neurogo NR : why? ] ;B[mb];W[kr]C[ neurogo NR : ) ] ;B[pq];W[qq];B[ma]C[ neurogo NR : n19 is nice ] ;W[mp];B[nq];W[np];B[qr];W[rr];B[lr];W[lq]C[ jmh started observation. ] ;B[ba];W[qs];B[pr];W[rs];B[rh];W[ls];B[kq]C[ neurogo NR : does it work? ] ;W[jq]C[ r0ot started observation. ] ;B[ns];W[qo];B[ol];W[md];B[nj];W[bs]C[ gunnar 3k : Odd that both programs are missing Q1. (266) ] ;B[lb];W[da];B[ib]C[ neurogo NR : does it make black alive? ] ;W[sj];B[ic]C[ glop started observation. ] ;W[om];B[ia];W[ps];B[rq];W[sq];B[ha]C[ neurogo NR : :-) ] ;W[pn];B[ga];W[pp];B[ks];W[jr];B[ai];W[an];B[ca];W[js];B[be];W[tt];B[ad] ;W[tt];B[lp];W[mq];B[sr];W[rp];B[jn];W[oq]C[ neurogo NR : there will follow some moves like this ] ;B[kn];W[lo];B[pe];W[tt];B[rd];W[tt]C[ neurogo NR : but a large part of the board is already recognized as statically alive ] ;B[rb];W[tt];B[fl];W[tt]C[ neurogo NR : it is chinese rules, is it not? ] ;B[hq]C[ neurogo NR : neurogo can only play chinese ] ;W[tt];B[kp];W[tt];B[fs];W[gs];B[ho];W[ip];B[go];W[tt];B[io];W[tt]C[ neurogo NR : all black groups are statically alive now, neurogo will no longer play into blacks area ] ;B[br];W[tt];B[sp];W[rq];B[tt];W[tt] ;)