(;GM[1]FF[3] RU[Japanese]SZ[9]HA[0]KM[5.5] PW[GNU Go version 2.7.172gfdb] PB[GL7] GN[A game on the computer go ladder] DT[2000-09-29] SY[Cgoban 1.9.2]TM[30:00(56x20:00)] C[This is a game on the computer go ladder between GNU Go (white) and GL7 (black). GNU Go starts out by making a very bad second move or at least a move that it doesn't know how to continue from. The rest of the game is spent trying to catch up, but it is only successful due to one or more endgame bugs in GL7. ] ;B[ee]BL[2400];W[ge]WL[2400];B[fg]BL[2400];W[be]WL[2400] C[GNU Gos first two moves were taken from a fuseki database built from 9x9 games of low kyu and dan players. This move, B5, had a 10% probability of being chosen. The most probable move was C5, which seems much better. ] ;B[fc]BL[2400]C[ ];W[hc]WL[2400] C[Now GNU Go has to start fighting for himself. H7 is one way of defending G5, but far too passive. F6 would have been better, but that is a high-level strategy that GNU Go doesn't know anything about yet. ] ;B[cg]BL[2400] C[GL7 is playing very solidly, taking big chunks of territory while attacking. ] ;W[hg]WL[2400] C[Unnecessary. C7 is the move here, which GNU Go had as its second choice. ] ;B[cc]BL[2400]C[Now GNU Go thinks B5 is dead. ];W[gb]WL[2400];B[bf] BL[2400] C[But something happens! GL7 starts a quest to remove the dead stone. This is something that is typical for computers, but as we will see, it proves fatal. ] ;W[eb]WL[2400];B[ce]BL[2400];W[ba]WL[2400] C[Perhaps not so good. G2, a much better move here is only valued to 3 points while B9, the game move is valued to 8. Clearly G2 is worth much more than that. More aggressive moves like F4 are not considered at all. ] ;B[bd]BL[2400] C[3 wasted moves so far for GL7, but GNU Go is still far behind. ]; W[fd]WL[2400];B[fb]BL[2400]C[Miscalculation from GL7? ];W[ec]WL[2400]; B[ed]BL[2400];W[gh]WL[2400];B[db]BL[2400] C[This move forces GNU Go to capture and cuts off B9. This is a very good move, perhaps better than GL7 realises. ] ;W[fa]WL[2400];B[fh]BL[2400] C[Difficult to choose between D9 and F2 here. ];W[da]WL[2400];B[gf] BL[2400];W[hf]WL[2400];B[gg]BL[2400];W[hh]WL[2400] C[Nice forcing sequence from GL7 ];B[bb]BL[2400];W[ca]WL[2400];B[fe] BL[2400];W[gc]WL[2400] C[At this point the game seems to be over. Black is far ahead, has sente, and there are hardly any big moves left. ] ;B[he]BL[2400];W[gd]WL[2400];B[gi]BL[2400]C[ ];W[dc]WL[2400];B[hi] BL[2400];W[cb]WL[2400] C[Interesting choices of moves from both programs here. ];B[ih] BL[2400];W[ie]WL[2400];B[dd]BL[2400];W[ab]WL[2400];B[bc]BL[2400];W[ac] WL[2400];B[ig]BL[2400];W[hd]WL[2400];B[ei]BL[2400]C[A bug? ];W[if] WL[2400];B[tt]BL[2360]C[Another bug? ];W[ad]WL[2400];B[ae]BL[2400]; W[aa]WL[2400];B[tt]BL[2388];W[ii]WL[2400];B[ih]BL[2400];W[ig]WL[2400]; B[tt]BL[2396];W[ii]WL[2400];B[fi]BL[2400];W[ih]WL[2400];B[tt]BL[2389]; W[tt]WL[2400]TW[ea][ga][ha][ia][db][fb][hb][ib][fc][ic][id][he] TB[cd][be][de][af][cf][df][ef][ff][ag][bg][dg][eg][ah][bh][ch][dh][eh][ai][bi][ci][di] C[The game is over. White wins by 1.5. This was the result of severe endgame bugs in GL7 who should have won easily. ] )