(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by IGS] CoPyright[ Copyright (c) NKB, Inc. 1998 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice. ] GN[theturtle-gowind(B) IGS]RE[B+Resign] PW[theturtle]WR[NR ]NW[ 0] PB[gowind]BR[NR ]NB[ 0] PC[IGS: igs.joyjoy.net 6969]DT[2000-09-07] SZ[19]TM[3600]KM[5.500000]LT[] C[ theturtle NR : so here we are! ] ;B[qd]BL[3566] ;W[ed]WL[3555]C[ gowind NR : gowind will find a point that has the highest score predefined in the opening. ] ;B[cd]BL[3523]C[ theturtle NR : predefined? ] ;W[pp]WL[3522]C[ gowind NR : preset, or assigned. ] ;B[cp]BL[3502]C[ theturtle NR : regardless of my moves? gowind NR : on in special case. ] ;W[io]WL[3493]C[ gowind NR : the score also changes after each move, not big enough. ] ;B[jc]BL[3472] ;W[qj]WL[3457] ;B[cj]BL[3448]C[ theturtle NR : my score changes about 10 points per move in the opening ] ;W[hj]WL[3414] ;B[jq]BL[3428]C[ gowind NR : gowind only changs in the 3 by 3 neighborhood of the move. theturtle NR : wait a minute, I type wrong theturtle NR : I can undo luckily :-) gowind NR : Oh, no. gowind NR : restart. ok? theturtle NR : no need wait amoment gowind NR : I don't use the undo function when playing withe computer. gowind NR : Only 11 moves, we can restart. ] ;W[lg]WL[3052]C[ theturtle NR : finally, it crashed :-( theturtle NR : it's ok now gowind NR : so no mistake? theturtle NR : no, we can continue ] ;B[oc]BL[3345]C[ gowind NR : be careful. ] ;W[mr]WL[3027]C[ theturtle NR : yeah! ] ;B[ep]BL[3319]C[ theturtle NR : now we'll began to see nice balance from 2 to 5 lines ] ;W[eg]WL[2992]C[ gowind NR : Your technique? I am not sure I understand it. ] ;B[cf]BL[3263]C[ theturtle NR : fixed width (21 now) ] ;W[qg]WL[2962]C[ theturtle NR : fixed depth (3) gowind NR : After about 20 moves, the score system in gowind does not work. theturtle NR : the wider and deeper plays better theturtle NR : and slower ] ;B[cn]BL[3203] ;W[ie]WL[2925]C[ gowind NR : now gowind will follow your moves in some way. ] ;B[hc]BL[3180]C[ theturtle NR : TT thinks is 13 points ahead now counting komi gowind NR : wow! theturtle NR : only 4 after your move ] ;W[fl]WL[2886] ;B[dl]BL[3164]C[ theturtle NR : it likes big moyos ] ;W[ne]WL[2860]C[ gowind NR : follows your move in an efficient way. ] ;B[mc]BL[3119]C[ theturtle NR : till it cames to tactics ] ;W[db]WL[2826]C[ theturtle NR : it likes 2nd line too ] ;B[fb]BL[3082] ;W[fn]WL[2801]C[ theturtle NR : gowind is very territorial gowind NR : You get big center! ] ;B[gp]BL[3053]C[ theturtle NR : TT thinks is 18 ahead ] ;W[kp]WL[2771]C[ theturtle NR : that was good! gowind NR : ok, now the real move. ] ;B[kq]BL[3027] ;W[bb]WL[2753]C[ theturtle NR : ouch! gowind NR : GW will have a good move, I think. ] ;B[lp]BL[2984] ;W[mn]WL[2725]C[ theturtle NR : getting smaller :-( gowind NR : GW is afraid of cut. ] ;B[ko]BL[2945]C[ gowind NR : . Oh, it tries to kill. theturtle NR : TT doesnt understand cut ] ;W[ej]WL[2697]C[ theturtle NR : it will kill if it tries ] ;B[ch]BL[2905]C[ gowind NR : still a following move. ] ;W[se]WL[2672]C[ gowind NR : ?? theturtle NR : weak player ;-) gowind NR : GW will nerver play on the boundary, except... ] ;B[gd]BL[2840]C[ theturtle NR : tt has no restrictions ] ;W[jo]WL[2643] ;B[jn]BL[2806]C[ gowind NR : GW's bad move. theturtle NR : tt will not cut gowind NR : if you don't cut, GW will connect. ] ;W[kl]WL[2606] ;B[ln]BL[2782]C[ theturtle NR : score has gone down to w+12 gowind NR : absolutely! ] ;W[sc]WL[2577]C[ theturtle NR : uf! gowind NR : I like tt's score. theturtle NR : would be pretty accurate if life and ded was better ] ;B[qb]BL[2732]C[ gowind NR : a following move. ] ;W[pe]WL[2553] ;B[qe]BL[2708]C[ theturtle NR : gw plays solid but submisive gowind NR : GW will play q14. ] ;W[mp]WL[2529]C[ theturtle NR : tt is bold and irreflexive :-) ] ;B[mo]BL[2679]C[ gowind NR : I am wrong. try to cut. ] ;W[no]WL[2502]C[ theturtle NR : I can't predict tt's moves gowind NR : connect for sure in this case. ] ;B[lo]BL[2633] ;W[de]WL[2485]C[ gowind NR : and will try to kill theturtle NR : score w+26 gowind NR : I am afriad connect first. ] ;B[ce]BL[2602]C[ theturtle NR : i'm afraid all LR will be devasted ] ;W[ge]WL[2454]C[ theturtle NR : sorry, rigth bottom gowind NR : LB ] ;B[nn]BL[2556] ;W[mm]WL[2421]C[ gowind NR : You mean no stone in RB? ] ;B[np]BL[2539] ;W[oo]WL[2400]C[ theturtle NR : tt saved the rigth stones! theturtle NR : i'm surprised! gowind NR : Good move! gowind NR : GW will not kill immeiately. ] ;B[qn]BL[2473]C[ gowind NR : a following move. theturtle NR : score w+17 ] ;W[om]WL[2363]C[ gowind NR : I like it! ] ;B[nm]BL[2452]C[ gowind NR : Bad move!!!! gowind NR : tried to cut. ] ;W[so]WL[2329]C[ theturtle NR : !!!???? theturtle NR : will cut gowind NR : GW's very happy. gowind NR : kill. ] ;B[ml]BL[2411]C[ gowind NR : and then connect. ] ;W[nq]WL[2292]C[ theturtle NR : score w+11 ] ;B[mq]BL[2399]C[ gowind NR : no mistake for GW. ] ;W[rm]WL[2264] ;B[nr]BL[2377]C[ theturtle NR : the moyo crmbles gowind NR : GW will have some wast moves in bottom. gowind NR : at least another kill. ] ;W[oq]WL[2235]C[ theturtle NR : sometimes extends ] ;B[lr]BL[2352]C[ gowind NR : I know GW's move. ] ;W[or]WL[2217]C[ gowind NR : N1 for sure. theturtle NR : L7's soo important! ] ;B[ms]BL[2304]C[ gowind NR : GW will neglect L7. theturtle NR : score w+4 ] ;W[ll]WL[2172]C[ gowind NR : I wonder when GW takes N7. theturtle NR : same as k5 ] ;B[on]BL[2272]C[ gowind NR : still try to cut. ] ;W[mk]WL[2136]C[ theturtle NR : it will ] ;B[lm]BL[2247]C[ gowind NR : tt's kill will cause gw to kill. ] ;W[di]WL[2114] ;B[ci]BL[2229]C[ gowind NR : for sure. theturtle NR : the R side devastated ] ;W[in]WL[2089] ;B[po]BL[2206]C[ theturtle NR : score w+10 gowind NR : cut, kill, cut, kill: gw's technique. ] ;W[jm]WL[2056]C[ theturtle NR : it works agains tt :( ] ;B[kn]BL[2181]C[ gowind NR : gw always afraid to be killed. ] ;W[em]WL[2027]C[ theturtle NR : tt never ] ;B[ol]BL[2153]C[ theturtle NR : neither think off killing gowind NR : seem's p8 good. theturtle NR : jsut building moyo ] ;W[ok]WL[1995] ;B[im]BL[2120]C[ gowind NR : cut again. ] ;W[pl]WL[1968]C[ theturtle NR : ignore again ] ;B[pm]BL[2094] ;W[ld]WL[1950] ;B[pk]BL[2066]C[ gowind NR : Oops. gowind NR : gw think cut first. ] ;W[ql]WL[1907]C[ gowind NR : tt knows escaping. ] ;B[jl]BL[2035]C[ theturtle NR : sometimes connect ... ] ;W[jk]WL[1886]C[ theturtle NR : sometimes sacrifice! theturtle NR : score w+16 nevertheless gowind NR : gw likes tt's move. ] ;B[km]BL[1997] ;W[hm]WL[1861] ;B[kk]BL[1979] ;W[kj]WL[1826]C[ theturtle NR : sacrifice small to build big ... gowind NR : wow. gw's really happy. ] ;B[lk]BL[1955] ;W[il]WL[1806] ;B[jm]BL[1938]C[ gowind NR : too many cuts for tt. ] ;W[jd]WL[1779]C[ theturtle NR : tt doesnt realize where the holes in the wall are :( ] ;B[nk]BL[1906] ;W[oj]WL[1756]C[ gowind NR : gw's above will be destroyed, because of these cuts. theturtle NR : we'll see what happens gowind NR : Oh, I made a mistake! gowind NR : I played N10 instead of P10! theturtle NR : ? gowind NR : in my program. gowind NR : I will rerun my program. gowind NR : very soon. gowind NR : and the moves should be the same. theturtle NR : I wait gowind NR : sorry. theturtle NR : undo is very practical :) gowind NR : wow. gowind NR : I did it. gowind NR : same moves. ] ;B[ik]BL[1392]C[ theturtle NR : good! ] ;W[mj]WL[1725]C[ theturtle NR : :-) ] ;B[pj]BL[1381]C[ gowind NR : too bad. gowind NR : seems cut only thing. ] ;W[fo]WL[1696] ;B[fp]BL[1372]C[ theturtle NR : tt likes beeing cuted ] ;W[op]WL[1674]C[ gowind NR : no obvious cut left for gw. ] ;B[mp]BL[1354]C[ theturtle NR : first connect ] ;W[rc]WL[1648]C[ gowind NR : gw's afraid. ] ;B[qc]BL[1330] ;W[ra]WL[1622]C[ theturtle NR : no score but feelings ? theturtle NR : score w+17 theturtle NR : tt is optimistic gowind NR : tt went to the boundary again. ] ;B[qa]BL[1271]C[ gowind NR : gw's first move on the boundary. ] ;W[ad]WL[1600]C[ theturtle NR : and again gowind NR : There is a power (score) for gw. ] ;B[bd]BL[1234] ;W[hp]WL[1578]C[ gowind NR : gw uses power only when there is no other move. gowind NR : tt's good move. ] ;B[nj]BL[1208]C[ theturtle NR : better move gowind NR : gw know to kill. ] ;W[oi]WL[1547]C[ gowind NR : and then m10, I think theturtle NR : luckily sometimes extends! ] ;B[lj]BL[1191]C[ gowind NR : tt's right side is really good. theturtle NR : pattern matching ? ] ;W[hq]WL[1515]C[ theturtle NR : but center is disapearing theturtle NR : gw left is better gowind NR : gw only has pattern for opening move. but not this time. ] ;B[ki]BL[1128] ;W[gr]WL[1494]C[ gowind NR : gw will play r9 soon. theturtle NR : furikawari time ? gowind NR : tt's good. ] ;B[rb]BL[1097]C[ gowind NR : cut that first. theturtle NR : :-) gowind NR : bad move. ] ;W[kh]WL[1462] ;B[ae]BL[1082]C[ gowind NR : and kill that, in that order. theturtle NR : e2 ] ;W[er]WL[1434]C[ theturtle NR : goal oriented ? gowind NR : gw does nothing for tt's moves! ] ;B[qk]BL[1038]C[ theturtle NR : R9, u were rigth ] ;W[rk]WL[1407]C[ gowind NR : simply cut. theturtle NR : score w+15 ] ;B[qi]BL[1018]C[ gowind NR : gw's too bad. ] ;W[cs]WL[1381]C[ gowind NR : ? theturtle NR : simple goal :-) gowind NR : gw's saved!!! theturtle NR : yes c1 ] ;B[rj]BL[989]C[ gowind NR : tt has good strategy. ] ;W[ni]WL[1349]C[ gowind NR : N11 for sure. ] ;B[mi]BL[967]C[ theturtle NR : but bad tactics ] ;W[ji]WL[1330] ;B[jj]BL[954] ;W[pi]WL[1300]C[ theturtle NR : score w+1 ] ;B[qj]BL[941] ;W[rh]WL[1279]C[ gowind NR : gw does not sure for the future. ] ;B[sk]BL[925] ;W[sl]WL[1257]C[ gowind NR : gw doses not know how to capture several stones. gowind NR : ??? ] ;B[rl]BL[907]C[ gowind NR : gw's save again. theturtle NR : afraid of ko? ] ;W[aq]WL[1236]C[ gowind NR : no ko ] ;B[qm]BL[897]C[ gowind NR : no ko for gw. ] ;W[rn]WL[1206] ;B[jh]BL[886]C[ theturtle NR : bye bye right side ] ;W[ih]WL[1182]C[ gowind NR : still has the corner. ] ;B[ii]BL[870]C[ theturtle NR : score B+7 ] ;W[ir]WL[1152]C[ gowind NR : wow, gw's ahead. ] ;B[hh]BL[858]C[ theturtle NR : by more than 7 I think ] ;W[hg]WL[1120] ;B[kg]BL[842] ;W[kf]WL[1096] ;B[lh]BL[831]C[ theturtle NR : scrifice and sacrifice and ... gowind NR : easy move for gw ] ;W[hi]WL[1045] ;B[ig]BL[820]C[ theturtle NR : score b+15 gowind NR : The score system is really attractive. ] ;W[cq]WL[993] ;B[mg]BL[804]C[ gowind NR : gw's left bottom was destroyed. ] ;W[ac]WL[936] ;B[bc]BL[792]C[ theturtle NR : so all white moyo gowind NR : moyo means? theturtle NR : b+19 theturtle NR : big framework ] ;W[bp]WL[845]C[ theturtle NR : maybe there's hope still ] ;B[gg]BL[778]C[ gowind NR : gw's bad at the LB corner. ] ;W[ng]WL[813] ;B[nh]BL[771] ;W[bo]WL[787]C[ gowind NR : should play some there. gowind NR : connect for sure. theturtle NR : it has ignored 7 moves ] ;B[co]BL[742] ;W[fg]WL[765] ;B[ph]BL[734]C[ theturtle NR : sometimes it seems tt plays othello gowind NR : never miss it! ] ;W[gh]WL[738]C[ theturtle NR : score b+31 gowind NR : othello? ] ;B[hf]BL[706]C[ theturtle NR : don't know it ? gowind NR : I was warned I will be disconnected in 15 minutes. gowind NR : After that please wait me back. gowind NR : A singer? theturtle NR : ok, i'll wait ] ;W[mf]WL[661] ;B[lf]BL[692]C[ theturtle NR : a game, black and white pieces theturtle NR : that revers theturtle NR : aka reversi ] ;W[am]WL[605] ;B[me]BL[674]C[ gowind NR : Will gs's left be killed. ] ;W[bl]WL[547] ;B[fh]BL[659]C[ theturtle NR : w 21 dead, b 0! theturtle NR : score b+34 gowind NR : gw consider safe first. ] ;W[le]WL[514] ;B[nf]BL[646]C[ theturtle NR : it will no matter if all the w center is killed ] ;W[pg]WL[470]C[ theturtle NR : and the right side too gowind NR : guess gw's move. ] ;B[oe]BL[614]C[ gowind NR : still try to kill theturtle NR : score b+41 gowind NR : all left is neglected. theturtle NR : left and upper side only chances gowind NR : But becareful: no cuts left. ] ;W[og]WL[354]C[ gowind NR : no problem for gw. ] ;B[oh]BL[592] ;W[of]WL[317] ;B[nd]BL[581] ;W[fi]WL[292] ;B[gi]BL[571] ;W[cl]WL[265] ;B[fj]BL[561]C[ gowind NR : hey! ] ;W[gj]WL[237]C[ gowind NR : gw's 7 stones are killed. gowind NR : at least theturtle NR : maybe ... ] ;B[ei]BL[542]C[ gowind NR : left side should be safe. gowind NR : because center stones come in. ] ;W[ea]WL[203] ;B[fa]BL[526]C[ gowind NR : boundary move. ] ;W[dm]WL[153] ;B[dj]BL[515]C[ theturtle NR : at least 1 corner theturtle NR : score b+48 ] ;W[ek]WL[103]C[ gowind NR : gw will c7 cut some time. ] ;B[dk]BL[495] ;W[qo]WL[46]C[ gowind NR : I have to restart GW. Please wait several minutes. theturtle NR : adjourn then ] ;B[pn]BL[478]C[ gowind NR : there is cut in the corner! theturtle NR : i've take a look at the board theturtle NR : tt has to save too many groups ] ;W[jr]WL[1482] ;B[el]BL[467]C[ theturtle NR : and keep the RB and get at the upperside ] ;W[fk]WL[1415] ;B[fi]BL[456]C[ theturtle NR : then the game would be close gowind NR : H15 cut will help gw. theturtle NR : the one who plays there will win gowind NR : But gw has to play R4 first. ] ;W[dg]WL[1259]C[ gowind NR : and do other killing things. ] ;B[cg]BL[437]C[ gowind NR : connect for sure. gowind NR : Is left side dangerous for gw? ] ;W[dh]WL[1208]C[ gowind NR : gw may not take D11 until last step. theturtle NR : maybe !!!! ] ;B[qp]BL[418] ;W[qq]WL[1179]C[ gowind NR : gw can handle boundary moves on the left, if tt does it. ] ;B[ro]BL[393]C[ theturtle NR : let's see what happens here first ] ;W[rp]WL[1151] ;B[qo]BL[386]C[ theturtle NR : now is crucial gowind NR : save the cut, or gw will kill. ] ;W[lc]WL[1102]C[ theturtle NR : surprise! ] ;B[pd]BL[373]C[ gowind NR : tt's good, gw's bad here. ] ;W[kb]WL[1047] ;B[eb]BL[362]C[ gowind NR : kill, kill, kill... theturtle NR : h15 remains ] ;W[jb]WL[1029]C[ gowind NR : first kill, then cut. theturtle NR : and d17 :( ] ;B[ke]BL[328] ;W[ma]WL[1010]C[ gowind NR : After H15, gw will play D17, if there is chance. ] ;B[mb]BL[308] ;W[na]WL[989] ;B[nb]BL[300]C[ theturtle NR : small yose gowind NR : gw has no better way to do it. ] ;W[oa]WL[975] ;B[pa]BL[294]C[ gowind NR : handle boundary first. ] ;W[jf]WL[958] ;B[rq]BL[282]C[ theturtle NR : the cut ... gowind NR : now kill ] ;W[ib]WL[936] ;B[ic]BL[274]C[ gowind NR : no cut for gw. theturtle NR : all the corner gowind NR : die together. ] ;W[fq]WL[913] ;B[qr]BL[263] ;W[ps]WL[889] ;B[pr]BL[253]C[ gowind NR : boundary move. ] ;W[qs]WL[863]C[ theturtle NR : stupid move ] ;B[rs]BL[242]C[ gowind NR : still boundary move. ] ;W[ri]WL[841] ;B[la]BL[235]C[ gowind NR : kill theturtle NR : score b+55 gowind NR : always in correct direction. theturtle NR : :-) ] ;W[ka]WL[771] ;B[lb]BL[228]C[ gowind NR : now the L17 cut. ] ;W[re]WL[747]C[ theturtle NR : for your pleasure ] ;B[df]BL[217]C[ gowind NR : a cut here. theturtle NR : ah! ] ;W[cc]WL[723]C[ gowind NR : Even I don't know. ] ;B[dd]BL[201] ;W[aj]WL[697] ;B[bj]BL[193]C[ gowind NR : gw should have a better way. theturtle NR : b+72 ] ;W[kr]WL[664] ;B[ak]BL[186]C[ gowind NR : now left is safe. ] ;W[bk]WL[625] ;B[ai]BL[179]C[ theturtle NR : yes, I feel like resigning gowind NR : tt may get the upper. gowind NR : not sure. theturtle NR : too difficult theturtle NR : h15 d15 l17 .... theturtle NR : too many possibilities for b gowind NR : yeah, theturtle NR : so I resign gowind NR : gw know these cuts. theturtle NR : thanks for the game ]; )