(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by No Name Go Server] CoPyright[ This game was played on the No Name Go Server Permission to reproduce this game is given.] GN[GnuGo-bbouzy(B) NNGS] EV[None] RE[W+106.5] PW[GnuGo]WR[16k*] PB[bbouzy]BR[NR ] PC[NNGS Worldwide: nngs.cosmic.org 9696] DT[2000-02-01] SZ[19]TM[3600]KM[0.5] ;B[qp];W[do];B[pc];W[dc];B[qi];W[de];B[jp];W[dq];B[id];W[oq];B[di];W[lq] ;B[jr];W[po];B[qo];W[qe];B[rc];W[pn];B[qn];W[gc];B[hb];W[nc];B[od];W[cl] ;B[of];W[jn]C[ bump started observation. gunnar 4k : This should be an fteach game now. Is everybody seeing this? (26) ] ;B[dg];W[ko]C[ ingwa 6k*: Yep (28) ] ;B[qg];W[oh];B[pf];W[qk];B[re]C[ gunnar 4k : Oh, just realized another feature of fteach, the time limits were turned off. (33) ] ;W[qr];B[pp]C[ gunnar 4k : But if they continue playing at this speed, it shouldn't be any problem. (35) ] ;W[op];B[pj];W[oj];B[pk];W[pm];B[qm];W[ro];B[ok];W[gp];B[rp];W[so];B[oi] ;W[ni];B[pi];W[nj];B[rn]C[ gunnar 4k : A move about L17 looks urgent for both players. (51) ] ;W[if];B[rf];W[he]C[ ingwa 6k*: It seems as if gnugo was tuned a bit too much against gnugo. :-) (54) ] ;B[nh];W[ng];B[mh];W[og];B[nd];W[mg];B[md];W[lh]C[ gunnar 4k : Black didn't want to fight for the N12 stones. (62) ] ;B[lg];W[mk];B[qd];W[mc]C[ gunnar 4k : But it was probably bigger to secure the upper side. (66) ] ;B[pe]C[ ingwa 6k*: L16 woud be nice now (67) ] ;W[ld]C[ gunnar 4k : GNU Go as usual don't understand when the stones are dead. But maybe they can live somehow. (68) ] ;B[le];W[kd];B[je];W[lb];B[ke];W[gb]C[ gunnar 4k : Wasn't it better for white to cut? (74) ] ;B[rr];W[kg]C[ bump 2d : G18 is on the wrong side of course (76) gunnar 4k : The black stones on the left are starting to look lonely. (76) bump 2d : G18 at K18 would live (76) wartari started observation. ] ;B[gh];W[lf]C[ ingwa 6k*: K17 looks good to me also. Threatens to cut (78) ] ;B[me];W[jg];B[lr];W[mr];B[ls];W[lp]C[ bump 2d : J17 immediately might be possible (84) ] ;B[kq]C[ gunnar 4k : M4 should have been L3. (85) ] ;W[gj];B[gf];W[gd];B[ih];W[ki]C[ ingwa 6k*: I think that the game hinges on the M18 group. (90) ] ;B[ij];W[pr];B[hi];W[rk];B[il];W[hn];B[gl];W[kl]C[ bump 2d : H11 eliminated B's worries in the center (98) ] ;B[in];W[io];B[im];W[jo]C[ ingwa 6k*: Is black alive after white H2? (102) ] ;B[gn];W[ho];B[hm];W[bi];B[el];W[mn];B[ej];W[ob];B[fi];W[bg];B[cf];W[df] ;B[bf]C[ gunnar 4k : One weak group each now and fairly close in territory. (115) ] ;W[cg]C[ gunnar 4k : B14 was a severe mistake. (116) ] ;B[eg];W[be];B[si]C[ bump 2d : After H2 J2 J3 or H2 J3 J2, B dead on bottom (119) ] ;W[jb];B[ic];W[nl]C[ gunnar 4k : The B11-C8-D5 line is less than solid. (122) ] ;B[dm];W[cm];B[en];W[eo];B[fe];W[cj]C[ gunnar 4k : White is making some real territory now. (128) ] ;B[fd]C[ ingwa 6k*: H2 and the game seems to be over (129) ] ;W[ra];B[ek];W[fr]C[ gunnar 4k : It's possible that white thinks the bottom group is dead already and won't play there. (132) gunnar 4k : Or maybe not. (132) ] ;B[pb];W[pa]C[ bump 2d : GnuGo must think it's dead (134) gunnar 4k : F2 was a strange move in any case. (134) ] ;B[ch];W[bh]C[ bump 2d : Probably some pattern with low weight (136) ] ;B[hk]C[ bump 2d : GnuGo thinks things are small now (137) ] ;W[hr];B[jk];W[iq]C[ ingwa 6k*: J18 is also big. (140) ] ;B[ip];W[kr];B[jq]C[ bump 2d : The reading code sees some sequence to remove (143) gunnar 4k : L2 is funny. Probably a reading mistake. (143) ] ;W[ir]C[ bump 2d : Not necessarily a reading mistake (144) ] ;B[hp];W[js]C[ bump 2d : they only have 4 liberties and GNU may have it read out (146) ] ;B[go];W[ms];B[qb];W[qa]C[ bump 2d : L2 is strange to a human but probably not a reading mistake (150) ] ;B[gq];W[fp];B[rs];W[kj];B[cn]C[ ingwa 6k*: J18 must be a missing pattern (155) ] ;W[dn]C[ gunnar 4k : It seems so. (156) ] ;B[gr]C[ kossa started observation. ] ;W[gs];B[co]C[ arndt started observation. ] ;W[cp];B[kk];W[lk];B[ha];W[ga];B[fk];W[fn];B[fc]C[ gunnar 4k : Wonder what black though it wanted with F9. (167) ] ;W[em];B[dl];W[eb];B[hg];W[fb];B[pl];W[jc];B[ql];W[rj]C[ kossa 6k*: b should have played p7? (176) gunnar 4k : Yes. (176) ] ;B[ri];W[rl]C[ gunnar 4k : S8 is really terrible. (178) ] ;B[sj]C[ bump 2d : It gets 5 liberties so the reading code likes it (179) ] ;W[jm];B[sk];W[qq]C[ gunnar 4k : Yes, and it seems to have been unsettling for black. (182) kossa 6k*: why is w not playing p8? (182) ] ;B[sl]C[ bump 2d : B answered it! (183) mani started observation. ] ;W[rq];B[sq]C[ bump 2d : These moves look bigger to it (185) ] ;W[sr];B[ol];W[sp]C[ bump 2d : B should of course hane (188) bump 2d : B:P7 instead of P8 (188) ] ;B[om]C[ gunnar 4k : T4 against P7 is no easy decision for the program. (189) ] ;W[oo]C[ ingwa 6k*: Hmm. Which was bigger, T4 or P7? (190) ] ;B[bm]C[ bump 2d : O6 better than P5 (maybe 1 point) (191) Iguane started observation. ] ;W[bl];B[bn];W[bp];B[af];W[nm];B[ce];W[bd]C[ ingwa 6k*: This is where Gnu go shines (198) ingwa 6k*: I hope (198) gunnar 4k : Does it? (198) ] ;B[cd]C[ bump 2d : Oops, B16 doesn't shine (199) ] ;W[dd]C[ ingwa 6k*: No indeed (200) bump 2d : Now B lives (200) ] ;B[cc];W[cb];B[bc];W[bb]C[ ingwa 6k*: Nope. :-) (204) gunnar 4k : Now it doesn't. (204) ] ;B[sn]C[ bump 2d : B dies but GNU Go didn't read it (205) ] ;W[sq];B[on];W[nn];B[ci];W[ag];B[dj];W[bj];B[ph];W[ac];B[ks]C[ gunnar 4k : I'm not sure black was ever alive at the top left, but GNU Go probably didn't know what it was doing anyway. (215) ] ;W[is]C[ Iguane started observation. ] ;B[hq]C[ ingwa 6k*: My reading says that black was dead all the time. (217) ] ;W[kr];B[ef];W[nf];B[am];W[ne];B[pg];W[fm]C[ bump 2d : If B15 were C16 I would say GNU Go had read it out (224) ] ;B[gm];W[rb];B[fo];W[sb]C[ bump 2d : But you are right there was no way to live (228) ] ;B[fq];W[ep];B[er]C[ gunnar 4k : What's this? (231) ] ;W[dr]C[ ingwa 6k*: This looks dangerous (232) bump 2d : We could still mess this up (232) ] ;B[eq];W[hs];B[fs];W[ks];B[fl];W[ck]C[ kossa 6k*: both messed it up (238) ] ;B[al];W[ak];B[sc];W[jh];B[nk];W[ji];B[ii]C[ ingwa 6k*: How could this happen? (245) ] ;W[oe];B[mf];W[lg]C[ kossa 6k*: gnugo has still some trouble with those double ataris. (248) ] ;B[dk];W[oc];B[kf];W[hf]C[ bump 2d : F5 was a forcing move and GNU Go missed it (252) ] ;B[ja];W[ib]C[ gunnar 4k : Indirect double threats are tricky. (254) ] ;B[hc]C[ bump 2d : It should not have happened (255) ] ;W[ia];B[pq];W[jj];B[jl];W[ge];B[km];W[ll];B[lm];W[kp];B[mm];W[ee]C[ ingwa 6k*: 1 point at K16 (266) ] ;B[ln];W[ec];B[mo];W[lo]C[ bump 2d : Oh oh (270) ingwa 6k*: This is not good (270) ] ;B[tt];W[ig]C[ gunnar 4k : Not too expensive, but bad. (272) bump 2d : No, it seems OK (272) ] ;B[tt];W[ed]C[ ingwa 6k*: O5? (274) ] ;B[mp];W[ff];B[ao]C[ gunnar 4k : Yes, O5 would be a real problem. (277) ] ;W[gg];B[hh];W[fg];B[fh];W[jd];B[ie];W[jf];B[pd];W[hd];B[tt];W[bo]C[ ingwa 6k*: Doesn't it see O5, N8, N10? (288) ] ;B[tt]C[ gunnar 4k : Indirect double atari, no way. (289) ] ;W[an];B[en];W[tt];B[tt]C[ Iguane started observation. ] ;)