Chimera Commands Index

mcopy source target [ settings [c][s][v][l][x][y][p] | a ]

The mcopy command copies display styles and other attributes from a source molecule model to one or more target molecule models. It does not create new models. To copy an existing molecule model and its settings to create a new model, use the command combine.

The source atom specification may include part or all of a single molecule model, and the target atom specification may include part or all of one or more molecule models other than the source.

Attribute copying requires identical atom names, alternate location identifiers, residue numbers, residue names, and chain identifiers. Any unmatched atoms and residues (those in target but not in source) will be ignored, but their existence noted in the status line. The attributes of the matched atoms and the bonds connecting them will be copied, along with the residue attributes of residues containing any matched atoms and the model attributes of models containing any matched atoms.

Characters after the settings keyword (default csv) control which attributes are copied:

The settings keyword can be truncated.


mcopy #0 #1 settings a
mcopy #0 #1-10 set csvl
See also: combine, preset, msc