Metal Geometry Metal Geometry icon

Metal Geometry is a tool for analyzing metal ion coordination geometries. It also allows adding or deleting coordination pseudobonds. See also: Structure Measurements, FindHBond, Build Structure, PseudoBond Reader

There are several ways to start Metal Geometry, a tool in the Structure Analysis category. If more than one metal ion is present, the ion of interest should be chosen from the pulldown menu at the top of the dialog. Metal Geometry can also be started by by double-picking a metal ion from the graphics window (doubleclicking it with the button assigned to picking) and choosing Coordination Geometry from the resulting context menu.

The view in the graphics window will focus on the specified metal ion and nearby atoms. The Metal transparency slider allows adjusting the transparency of the displayed metal ion.

The Coordination Table lists atoms that might be coordinated to the metal ion, sorted by distance. Each row represents a ligation set comprised of not only the atom named in that row, but also all of the atoms in the rows above it. Clicking a row chooses that ligation set as the current ligation set and selects its atoms. The rows cannot be reordered, but atoms can be added to or removed from the list by selecting them in the graphics window and clicking the Add or Remove buttons on the right. Columns:

Clicking Create/Update will generate or delete coordination pseudobonds to the metal as needed to represent the current ligation set. Clicking Display options... brings up a list of pseudobond attributes for this group, allowing changes in properties such as color, linewidth, and whether the lines are dashed. When an individual pseudobond is selected, its attributes can be altered with the Selection Inspector.

The Geometry Table lists possible metal coordination geometries for the current ligation set, subject to certain screens. Columns:

Clicking a row in the Geometry Table chooses that metal coordination geometry. Depict idealized geometry shows the chosen geometry with arrow objects, and water oxygens can be Added to occupy any unfilled sites. The distance from the metal at which to add water oxygens is automatically set to the average for the current ligation set, but can be edited.

Unlikely geometries can be screened out of the tables:

Close closes the Metal Geometry dialog. Help opens this manual page in a browser window.

UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory / July 2010