Chimera Commands Index

move axis [ distance [ frames ]] [ models model-spec ] [ coordinateSystem N ]

Move translates the specified models by distance along the specified axis for a specified number of frames (default 1). If a distance is not given, the length of the axis vector will be used. If no models are specified, all active models will be translated.

A coordinateSystem for axis definition can be specified by reference model number N, optionally preceded by #. Otherwise, the laboratory frame of reference will be used, in which:

The axis can be: The distance is in the units of length intrinsic to the data, usually Å, and can be positive or negative.

Keyword options can be used in any order and the keywords can be truncated.


move x -1 25 models #1,2 move 5,2.5,0 coord #0 mod #0 30
Commands continue to be processed while the requested motion is in progress. To prevent processing of further commands until the motion is finished, use the wait command. To halt an ongoing move, use freeze.

See also: select, movie-related commands