Registered File Types

All file types that have been registered in Chimera can be opened from:

If a tool-specific type of file is opened, the associated tool will be executed or started (if it has not been started already).

Registered File Types
type prefix suffix contents associated Chimera tool (if any)
Aligned FASTA afasta: .afasta
sequence alignment Multalign Viewer
Aligned NBRF/PIR pir: .pir sequence alignment Multalign Viewer
APBS potential apbs: .dx electrostatic potential calculated with Adaptive Poisson-Boltzmann Solver (APBS) Volume Viewer
BILD bild: .bild
graphical objects
BRIX or DSN6 dsn6: .brix
crystallographic density map used by O Volume Viewer
CCP4 or MRC mrc: .ccp4
crystallographic or EM density map Volume Viewer
Chimera commands cmd:
commands (and optionally, comment lines starting with #)
Chimera demo source demo: .src instructions to Chimera and explanatory text for the demo viewer Demos
Chimera markers markers: .cmm markers placed in 3D Volume Path Tracer
Chimera web data chimerax: .chimerax instructions on data files to open, commands and code to execute (can have a Chimera demo embedded)
Clustal ALN aln: .aln
sequence alignment Multalign Viewer
CNS or XPLOR xplor: .cns
unformatted ASCII density map Volume Viewer
DelPhi or GRASP potential delphi: .phi electrostatic potential calculated with DelPhi (the academic version; see also DelPhiController) or GRASP Volume Viewer
DOCK scoring grids dock: .bmp
DOCK (versions 4, 5) bump, contact, and energy scoring grids
(suffixes not interchangeable; gridname.bmp required for reading gridname.cnt and/or gridname.nrg)
Volume Viewer
Gaussian cube grid cube: .cube
orbitals, electron densities, other Volume Viewer
formatted checkpoint
.fchk molecular structure
GCG RSF rsf: .rsf sequence alignment Multalign Viewer
(see conversion instructions)
gopenmol: .plt orbitals, electron densities, other Volume Viewer
GRASP surface graspsurf: .srf molecular surface generated by DelPhi (the academic version; see also DelPhiController) or GRASP
MD Movie metafile md:
specification of trajectory format and filenames MD Movie
Mol2 mol2: .mol2 molecular structure
MPOSE mpose: .mpose superposition and affine model from the separate program MPOSE MPOSE
MS surface dms:
dot molecular surface
MSF msf: .msf sequence alignment Multalign Viewer
NDB ndb: nucleic acid structure
(PDB format but identified by NDB ID)
NetCDF netcdf: .nc 3D data Volume Viewer
PDB pdb: .pdb
molecular structure
Priism priism: .xyzw 3D light and EM data Volume Viewer
Purdue image format pif: .pif EM density map Volume Viewer
PROFEC profec: .dat interaction free energy grid from PROFEC (in AMBER versions 6 and 7) Volume Viewer
Python python:
Python code
SCOP scop: protein domain structure
(PDB format but identified by SCOP domain ID)
Situs map situs: .sit EM density map Volume Viewer
SPIDER spider: .spi EM density map Volume Viewer
Stockholm pfam:
sequence alignment Multalign Viewer
TOM toolbox map tom_em: .em EM density map Volume Viewer
UHBD potential, binary uhbd: .grd electrostatic potential calculated with the University of Houston Brownian Dynamics (UHBD) program Volume Viewer
VRML vrml: .vrml
graphical objects
XYZ xyz: .xyz molecular structure

UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory / January 2006