List of Chimera features suppported by the Collaboratory (as of 1/03) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Below is a list of all of the features in Chimera that are accessible via the menus or through the command line interface. The status for each feature can be any of the following: "works" - the results of issuing a command or interacting with a menu or panel _are_ propagated to the remote end. N.B. Some Chimera features are controlled through a graphical interface (e.g. Pseudobond Panel). For these features, I have specified whether or not the state of the interface components (colors, settings) are propogated to the other side (i.e. if you color a molecule blue through one of several graphical user interfaces, both the molecule and the interface that controls model color should have the same color on the remote end) "doesn't work" - the results of issuing a command or interacting with a menu or panel _are_not_ propagated to the remote end "N/A" - the above scenarios are not applicable to this command or panel interaction (i.e. it does not make sense for this feature to work over the Collaboratory) Basic PDB/VRML/Mol2 model support ======================================================================== Models opening works (verified) Model manipulation by the standard mouse controls works (verified) Model closing works (verified) NOTE: As of this release, the collaboratory supports the following types of models: -PDB [.pdb, .ent] -Mol2 [.mol2] -VRML [.vrml, .wrl] The collaboratory will not behave correctly when dealing with other types of models. ======================================================================== Menus ======================================================================== File menu Open - works Open Session - doesn't work Save Session - N/A Save Session As - N/A Close Session - works Save Image - N/A Quit - N/A Select menu Amino Acid Category - works Chemistry - works Draw Mode - works Structure - works Clear Selection - works Midas Atom Specified - works Sequence - works Zone - works Selection Mode - works Select All - works Save Selection - works Saved Selections - works Construct Selector - works Actions Color - works Label - works Focus - works Atoms/Bonds - works Ribbon - works Surface - works Target - works Inspect - works Tools Collaboratory - N/A (Hmmmmmm) DelPhi - doesn't work Docking - doesn't work Ensemble - doesn't work Homology AlignPlot - doesn't work KeepSticks - doesn't work MPOSE - doesn't work MSF Viewer - doesn't work Minrms Plot - works Multalign Viewer - doesn't work Inspectors 2D Texture - works Adjust Torsions - doesn't work Angles/Torsions - doesn't work Color Editor - N/A Distances - works (+most GUI elements replicated) Lens Inspector - works (+most GUI elements replicated) Model Panel - works (+most GUI elements replicated) PseudoBond Panel - works (+most GUI elements replicated) Selection Inspector - works (-label color, +most GUI elements) Keyboard - N/A Molecular Dynamics - doesn't work Programming - N/A Utilities AddH - works Benchmark - N/A FindHBond - works MainChain - works Model Panel - works (+most GUI elements replicated) PBReader - N/A PipesAndPlanks - works Reply Log - N/A ResProp - works (-GUI elements replicated) Ribbon - works Ribbon Style Editor - doesn't work Scale Bar - doesn't work Simple Session - N/A Structure Mmts. - works Viewing Parameters Camera - works Effects - works Rotation - works SideView - works Volumes - doesn't work ======================================================================== Command-line commands ======================================================================== ac - N/A alias - N/A (created alias cannot be used on remote end) align - does not work angle - N/A (only reports on local end) brotation - doesn't work cd - N/A (won't change directory on remote end) center - works chain - works clip - works close - works cofr - works color - works colordef - N/A (color definition not valid on remote end) conic - doesn't work copy - N/A display - works distance - works echo - doesn't work freeze - works getcrd - doesn't work (only reports on local end) help - N/A ksdssp - N/A label - works labelopt - doesn't work (??) linewidth - works load - doesn's work (??) longbond - works match - works matrixcopy- works modelcolor- works modeldisplay - works move - works msms - works neon - doesn't work (wont display image on remote end) objdisplay - works open - works pdbrun - doesn't work (won't execute on remote end) push/pop - works (can only pop on side that was pushed) rainbow - works read - works represent - works rescolor - works reset - works (can only reset on side that it was 'savepos'ed) ribbon - works ribbonjr - doesn't work ribrepr - works rock - works roll - works (n.b. for 'rock' and 'roll' commands, only user who initiated motion can 'freeze' it) rotation - doesn't work save - N/A savepos - N/A (can only recall pos on side it was saved) scale - works section - works select - works set/unset - N/A show - works sleep - works source - works stop - N/A surface - works surfcat/surfrepr - ??? surfcolor - works swapaa - ??? swapna - ??? system - N/A (will only send command to local system) tcolor - ??? texture - ??? thickness - works turn - works vdw - works vdwdefine - works vdwdensity- works version - N/A wait - works window - works write - N/A (will only write file on local side) ======================================================================== COLLABORATORY FEATURES ======================================================================== **Conduct real-time shared modelling sessions among multiple participants **Supports all Chimera core features **Remote pointer mechanism **Join session that is already in progress Hub Features: **Session administration capabilities ======================================================================== KNOWN BUGS ======================================================================== **Modifying the color of the same object (i.e. pseudobond) simultaneously on both sides of the Collaboratory can result in an error. This is due partly to the way chimera handles colors in the color panel **Opening models at the same time on different nodes can result in multiple models being opened with the same id. **Chaining a model, then selecting one of the pseudobonds will cause an error (not fatal, though) **HighlightLens properties are not propagated to a user who enters an in-progress Collaboratory session ========================================================================