Copyright © 1996 by the Regents of the University of California.

TimeStamp Class Reference

TimeStamp is a support class for time stamps. An instance of the TimeStamp class keeps track of when it was created and who created it.

TimeStamp Member Functions

TimeStamp(time_t when, const char *who)
TimeStamp(time_t when, const String &who)
TimeStamp(time_t when, Symbol who)
Symbol who() const
Return who created the time stamp.
time_t when() const
Return when the time stamp was created.
int operator==(const TimeStamp &ts) const int operator<(const TimeStamp &ts) const
Return result of relational operator. Comparisons are made based on time (most significant) and user name.
const char *chars() const
Return a string representation of the time stamp.


#include <mol/TimeStamp.h>

TimeStamp now(time(0), getenv("USER"));


Should use some sort of Date class instead of time_t's.
Greg Couch, UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory