Software Carpentry
Unit Testing


JUnit and Its Children

You Can Skip This Lecture If...

The Big Idea


Example: Checking Addition

Running Sums

Flawed Implementation

Check and Re-check

Is This Cost-Effective?

Eliminating Redundancy

Testing Exceptions

Manual Exception Testing Example

Testing I/O

I/O Testing Example

Stubs and Mock Objects

Test Performance

Choosing Test Cases

Example: Rectangle Overlap


What Tests To Write First



Exercise 16.1:

Python has another unit testing module called doctest. It searches files for sections of text that look like interactive Python sessions, then re-executes those sections and checks the results. A typical use is shown below.

def ave(values):
    '''Calculate an average value, or 0.0 if 'values' is empty.
    >>> ave([])
    >>> ave([3])
    >>> ave([15, -1.0])

    sum = 0.0
    for v in values:
        sum += v
    return sum / float(max(1, len(values)))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest

Convert a handful of the tests you have written for other questions in this lecture to use doctest. Do you prefer it to unittest? Why or why not? Do you think doctest makes it easier to test small problems? Large ones? Would it be possible to write something similar for C, Java, Fortran, or Mathematica?

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